Sparks of Passion: Captive Hearts YA Collection & Novel

Sparks of Passion Collection: Captive Hearts 

Prequel to the Young Explorer Creature Seekers Society

In a fictional version of the near future where countries are run by large corporate entities, love is forbidden and natural procreation is on the verge of extinction and being outlawed completely when five young people (Bethany, Ranson, Caspian, Thana and Enigma) from different backgrounds find that their paths in life collide when they dare to love.  Due to their capture, they are sent to a detention island known as Raveller Island which is also known as Death Island because so few return from it to mainstream society where they will have to fight for and earn survival.  However, as they all swiftly discover, they have far more in common besides the fact that they have dabbled in some illegal romance in that either their lives have been changed to make them more economically profitable to the corporations in question or they have vast differences in their genetic makeup from most fully human members of society.  From their state of capture however, they start to band together and manage to hatch an escape plan but as they return to human society, track down and reunite with their human partners, the group fast become hunted prey to the some of the corporate entities that were responsible for their creation and that now wish to terminate their existence and lives.  Written by Jill Thrussell

Bethany/Rowan (Exported), Ranson/Branwen (Worlds Apart), Caspian/Robina (Different Like Caspian), Thana/Callum (Supernaturally Different), Enigma/Sergio (Enigma)

A Splash of Love is a collection of Young Adult stories, the paperback which consists of five individual stories told from a personal perspective all of which interweave into a main story and is also told in a series of flashbacks from each individual inside the secure departure flight waiting room via their own narration of events which led up to their capture.  The Collection will be published as a novel in August 2024 and is comprised of the five stories and individual accounts and the main story which will interweave and transcend their past experiences in other chapters of the book.


Chapter 1 to be updated

Chapter 2 Exported: When the Future Breaks 

Chapter 3 Supernaturally Different: On the Edge of Hope 

Chapter 4 Worlds Apart: Bridge of Hearts 

Chapter 5 Enigma: Yesterday's Shadows

Chapter 6 Different Like Caspian: The Trophy of Tomorrow

Chapters 7 to 10 to be updated

Prequel to the Young Explorer Creature Seekers Society:


Publication: Expected Aug 2024