Chunks of Goodness Poetry Collection

Chunks of Goodness Poetry Collection


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Some poems from the collection:

Hope and Sacrifice: A Heartbeat of Hope for Tomorrow (also previously titled When Hope Meets Sacrifice along with the song other working titles: When Hope & Sacrifice Join Hands etc.)

The arms of Hope were sad and heavy as she began to cry,
But nothing could change the growing despair inside her eyes,
Not an inch of hope existed that could save the human child,
And so she had started to give up on her own essence deep down inside.

Suddenly, a spark of light entered into the hospital waiting room,
As Sacrifice rapidly started to arrive and not a moment too soon,
With a familiar friendly face, open arms and a hopeful smile,
He walked over to Hope and restored the chance of another while.

You have done all you can now Hope, Sacrifice said,
But I have come to assist you, so do not be afraid,
This child cannot be saved with only hope alone,
And a sacrifice must be given before he can return home.

Inside that hopeless waiting room, a miracle was suddenly sparked,
As Sacrifice began his work and found a replacement heart,
A donor was quickly found to save the male child's human life,
And so Hope could finally smile again as Sacrifice solved her strife.

Another chance would now be given for a young man to live,
Because Hope and Sacrifice had given him all that they could give,
So in a moment filled with heartbreak and despair that day, Hope had swiftly learned,
That Sacrifice really was her true companion and truly her best friend.

Hope turned to Sacrifice and smiled as they began to depart,
And thanked him for his provision, the sacrifice of a human heart,
Without you I couldn't have saved him, Hope rapidly confessed,
Without the sacrifice that you found that young man would now be dead.

Hope, take my hand and walk with me, Sacrifice implored,
You will never be alone and your efforts won't be ignored,
Alone you cannot achieve as much and I am here for you,
Because together we can move mountains and change what is true.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  


The Wardrobe of My Mind

On Monday I dressed in confidence with her glamour and flair,
The day was bright and wonderful as she lifted me high up in the air,
Every step throughout that day truly was a pleasure to be had,
Because she gave me the courage to be happy and not sad.

On Tuesday I wore anger with his deadly, vicious stare,
Someone had upset me and the day was a nightmare,
Every minute was very ugly because an angry cloud hung over my head,
But finally, relief came at night when I went to bed.

On Wednesday I gave forgiveness the chance to adorn my frame,
As love took my hand and guided me onto that peaceful train,
Sometimes the ride was difficult but it was worth the pain,
Because by the end of the evening, I could finally smile again.

On Thursday I picked a suit of hope and my life was not the same,
Because pleasant expectations joyfully filled and occupied my brain,
Everything around me was truly a pleasure to be heard and seen,
As I chose to fill my mind, heart and life with hopes from a dream.

On Friday I clothed myself in happiness as I prepared for the weekend,
The week had been so very long and the weekend is my best friend,
Another week will definitely start again, oh so very soon,
But this time I will prepare the wardrobe of my mind and give my thoughts a fine tune.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  


Goodbye is Not Forever

Goodbye is not forever, somebody once said to me,
But now it seems as if our last goodbye really was because your face I no longer see,
The tears I cry cannot express what you meant to us all,
Because one day you just departed without a final goodbye or a call,
Although my sadness cannot bring you back or give you another day,
I hope that you have found a peaceful place to rest now where you can finally stay.

Your soul departed way too soon and I really wish you could still be here,
Because your hand and smile were a comfort to me that I loved to be near,
There are things I should have said to you and things we should have done,
But the train of regrets I sit on now, really cannot be undone,
Though my life must continue now without you by my side,
A part of me left with you, from that fact I cannot hide.

Every part of me will always remember you the way that you were as we wandered through life's miles,
Because love does not just vanish from our hearts into thin air despite life's many trials,
My heart and mind still want to keep your memory alive,
Because through the rocky terrain of life, you always stood by my side,
And although there is no return ticket to your human abode,
I truly hope that you have found peace now inside your beautiful soul.

Memories of our yesterdays formed from tears of sadness are now really all that remain,
As I try to carry on with life without you and silently shoulder the pain,
Although all our tomorrows must be forgotten now because you are here no more,
One day I hope to see you again when I step through heaven's door,
Every day I think about you even though we are now physically apart,
Because you still live within me, inside my mind and heart.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  


The Wardrobe of My Mind

On Monday I dressed in confidence with her glamour and flair,
The day was bright and wonderful as she lifted me high up in the air,
Every step throughout that day truly was a pleasure to be had,
Because she gave me the courage to be happy and not sad.

On Tuesday I wore anger with his deadly, vicious stare,
Someone had upset me and the day was a nightmare,
Every minute was very ugly because an angry cloud hung over my head,
But finally, relief came at night when I went to bed.

On Wednesday I gave forgiveness the chance to adorn my frame,
As love took my hand and guided me onto that peaceful train,
Sometimes the ride was difficult but it was worth the pain,
Because by the end of the evening, I could finally smile again.

On Thursday I picked a suit of hope and my life was not the same,
Because pleasant expectations joyfully filled and occupied my brain,
Everything around me was truly a pleasure to be heard and seen,
As I chose to fill my mind, heart and life with hopes from a dream.

On Friday I clothed myself in happiness as I prepared for the weekend,
The week had been so very long and the weekend is my best friend,
Another week will definitely start again, oh so very soon,
But this time I will prepare the wardrobe of my mind and give my thoughts a fine tune.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  


Treasure Chest of Memories

Every day that the morning greets me another opportunity arrives,
To create some joyful memories that might comfort me inside,
Some memories that I make might be very pleasant and some I may choose not to store,
But I will pack those that I wish to keep inside my treasure chest whilst others I will ignore.
The treasure chest of memories that lives inside my heart and mind,
Has several different storage bays filled with memories of several different kinds,
Some memories are formed from experiences with others of moments that we shared,
As they pay homage to the people that played a part in my life and those who truly cared.

Memories purely formed from jewels of joy, reside in a very special place,
Because when I recall those past moments inside my mind, each one brings a joyful smile to my face,
Those memories are highly treasured because they cannot be repeated or replaced,
But new jewels of joy can be added to that pile as each day is lived out and embraced.

Teardrops of sadness form some memories inside that chest that can make me feel so forlorn and sad,
But I really have to keep each one because they remind me to appreciate life and to be glad,
When I explore some of those sad memories, they can bring tears to my eyes,
Yet I cannot live without those precious, sad moments, a truth I fully recognize.

Some memories are kept to guide me and to steer me through the landscape of my life,
Because they teach me valuable lessons and a source of wisdom they provide,
Some memories are my companion and offer me a form of friendship when I am on my own,
Because when I reminisce upon pleasant times that I spent with those I love, I am never truly alone.

Other memories form a source of hope of to me and ignite my dreams to be realized,
And at times, some can even shield me from rainy days and bring sunshine to the skies,
Every spark of joyful hope from the past can nurture and fertilize my life, thoughts and plans,
And so those memories are invaluable to me because each one can bring and provide wisdom to my hands.

But inside one of the storage bays live some memories of a truly different sort and kind,
The memories formed from the prickly thorns of pain which can never be forgotten or left behind,
Each one provides a painful reminder of things that I should not participate in, say or do,
As they warn of all kinds of danger that can visit me and of people that are untrue.
Each memory that lives inside my treasure chest has a different reason to be preserved,
So, from the jewels of joy and teardrops of sadness to the thorns of pain, I store each one undeterred,
Some memories can provide guidance, wisdom and experience, so that I am not easily led astray,
And although some may be ugly and are truly hard, each one teaches me lessons about life every day.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  


Our Teacher of the Past, Companion of the Present and Our Future Unborn Child of Hope

When yesterday came to visit me and knocked upon my door,
The loud tap Past gave, I could not ignore,
Come with me, Past said, and do not be afraid,
I have a lesson to teach you and you must be very brave,
And as I walked along with him through the history my life,
Nerves leapt around inside of me as I reviewed my moments of painful strife,
Past began to discuss my mistakes with me as he pointed each one out,
You must make corrections, Past advised, of that there really is no doubt,
Mistakes are not the end of you because you have a chance to change,
And life can be different, if you make restitution and try to rearrange,
Your thoughts, actions and attitude which can make or break you,
Because the Past is always behind you that much is very true,
Past rapidly began to discuss with me the path that I should take,
Whilst I tried to understand my history and every single mistake,
He advised me of my faults and errors that seemed so very wrong,
But encouraged me to learn from each of them and then try to carry on.

When Present discovered that I had just met with the Past,
She began to smile as she acknowledged that he was very fast,
I will take your hand and guide you now through the current storm,
She encouraged as she took my hand and advised me to hold on,
I can walk with you through this day and help you to see,
The life you that should try to live and all the things that you should be,
Life is not always easy and the path is not always straight,
But life can be improved so much if you try to embrace your fate,
Every day is a chance to change and to fix your past regrets,
If you embrace me the Present and try to face the world with honour and respect,
Our morning has just begun and I can lead you through this day,
But you really must take heed of everything that Past had to say,
I will never abandon you or leave your side because I am always here,
Present reassured me as for our day she began to prepare,
That day sped by so rapidly but Present kept me strong,
Because her faithful hands held onto me lovingly so that I could carry on.

When the night finally arrived and as I lay down inside my bed,
The Future came to visit me as dreams quickly began to fill up my head,
I am the unborn child of hope, Future told me,
And I bring all the possibilities of what your life could truly be,
That night as Future played with me, we danced to a pleasant tune,
And I embraced each vision of hope as I wished that each one would happen soon,
Every vision that Future brought to me was filled with so much joy,
And so the night quickly slipped by in almost the blink of an eye,
When the morning showed up, Future whispered to me as he prepared to leave,
I'll leave you now but dreams can come true and that I truly believe,
Each unborn hope and dream I'd had that night then rapidly did depart,
But once my eyes were wide open, Present quickly began to make a start,
She gently took my hand again as we watched Future disappear,
I am here to guide you through this day, Present said, because Future is no longer here,
Present started to advise me with words of wisdom as she led the way,
Tomorrow cannot possibly arrive my dear, until you have lived today.

Poem Written by Jill Thrussell  





Inner Wealth:

  1. Hope and Sacrifice
  2. Lady Trust
  3. Happiness is a Present
  4. Battlefield of Emotions
  5. Emotional Destinations: Joy, Sorrow, Surprise and Fear
  6. The Wardrobe of My Mind
  7. Clothes of Confidence
  8. Treasure Chest of Memories
  9. Value Added You
  10. Gifts of Life, Love and Heartbreak: Portions of Desire and Glasses of Comfort

Problems, Conflicts and Disappointments:

  1. Ghosts and Shadows
  2. Promises
  3. Prison of False Hope
  4. The Bitter Pills of Regret
  5. Slumber of Lies
  6. Trophies of Pain
  7. Remnants of Yesterday
  8. The Best Mistake You Will Ever Make
  9. Shields of Truth and Love
  10. Eviction from My Heart

Obstacles of Life and Hurdles of the Heart:

  1. Our Teacher of the Past, Companion of the Present and Our Future Unborn Child of Hope
  2. The Blanket of Dreams and the Dagger of Reality
  3. Opportunities: Friends or Foes?
  4. Doors of Access: Relationships and Opportunities
  5. Flights of Companionship: Love and Friendship
  6. Deportation of Pretenders
  7. The Enemy of Hatred
  8. The Life Nobody Wanted to Live In
  9. The Equilibrium of Peace
  10. What Do You See When You Look at Me?

Life Toolkit Tools

  1. The Nation of Your Life
  2. Decoration and Renovation of Your Life (Your Home)
  3. Spring Clean of Life
  4. The Garden of Our Hearts
  5. The Kingdom of Your Life: Your Life, Your World, Your Kingdom
  6. The Eyes of Love, Hate, Tolerance and Indifference
  7. Weapons of Love, Truth, False Hope and Lies
  8. Time is Our Friend and Our Foe
  9. Seven Gifts of Love
  10. The Life Lived, Unlived and Expected

Life Choices and Emotional Survival Tools

  1. Right Choice, Wrong Moment!  Right Moment, Wrong Choice!
  2. Hope: Drug of Comfort and a Dinner of Deceit
  3. Labyrinth of Despair
  4. The Doormat
  5. Hidden Sanctuary of Your Thoughts
  6. Quality Control
  7. Snakes, Ladders and Puppy-dog Tails
  8. The Storm of Heartbreak
  9. Teardrops of Healing Comfort
  10. Goodbye is Not Forever