Time Switch: The Timely Adventure Tours

Time Switch: The Timely Adventure Tours

Time Switch: Timely Adventure Tours Series

This special series (book and other media like series and interactive games) will contain some special tour adventures as our Tour Guide Characters from the Realm of Time take readers on tours of discovery with thirty to fifty poems or a story about each stop off topic with accompanying fact file points (information and useful facts files), diagrams and some fun fact bubbles, pictures and friendly clock faces.  Join the Timely Adventure Tours as some of the most fun, useful and interesting characters from the Realm of Time introduce us to some of the human world's most exciting discoveries, people, places, creatures and events and work with each other to achieve things. (this series is based on some of the activities and characters from the first special edition Time Switch book)

  • Clever Inventor's Timely Inventions History Tour (will also include an interactive game with find the past inventor clues that spans different cultures, countries and some very unusual inventions and a real life easy to make at home inventions and experiments challenge list)
  • Codey Tekkie's Terrific Tech Fixes of History and How-to Tech Fix Tour (will also include an interactive game with guess the tech clues and a real life recycle and repair challenge list)
  • Hero Finder Clock Face's Heroes of the Past Tour (will also include an interactive game with clues and match the historic heroes with their heroic deeds challenges and a real life brave heroes challenge list)
  • Life Stories' Spectacular Life Contributions Tour (will also include an interactive game with spectacular life clues where important life contributions are explored and a real life kindness contributions challenge list)
  • Melody Memories’ Musical History and Music of the World Tour (will also include an interactive musical game where musical sounds and instrumental clues from different cultures, countries and time periods are explored and played in various ways and a real life easy to make musical instrument challenge and some basic tunes to play on it and learn)
  • Musey Artetime's Step Back in Time History Tour (will also include an interactive historical game with clues which will explore different cultures, countries and time periods where deserving heroes, matryrs, changemakers and events are explored and a real life changemaker challenges list)
  • Natty Fossy's Fossil Hunt Trails and Distinct Extinct Creatures Tour (will also include an interactive game with wild trail clues that relate to extinct creatures and real life local park creature trail challenges)
  • Oiler Engineer's Great Problem Solvers of History Tour (will also include an interactive game with problems that must be solved and clues that must be found to solve each problem and a real life problem solver challenge list)
  • Rapid Mapper's Wonderful Landmarks Tour (will also include an interactive game with clues, maps, trails, compasses, survival tips and hunts along with a real life local park treasure hunt trail with stick in mud clues)
  • Waste Not, Want Not's Recycling Guide Tour (will also include an interactive game with recycling challenges and a real life Waste Not Recycle Lots Challenge list)
  • Time Shine's Amazing Events of History Tour (will also include an interactive game with an amazing past events tour with event clues to events of the past that changed the world along with a real life helpful events challenge list)
  • Fatefind Healkind's Great Healers and Discoveries Tour (will also include an interactive game with clues to past healers, medical discoveries and people who followed their dreams to achieve amazing things from across history and the globe along with a real life helping hands challenge list) 
  • Glorysand Braveglass’ Histories of Courage Tour (will also include an interactive game with clues to histories of courage and civil figures that changed and shaped modern society along with some real life brave helping hands challenges)
  • Perky Parky Ranger’s Pioneering Explorers and Adventurers Tour  (will also include an interactive game with trail tracker challenges and some real life local park challenge tasks)
  • Mystical Mysteries’ Mysteries of Time, Nature and Science Tour (will include an interactive game with Time, Nature and Science challenges with clue trails along with real life time, nature and science mystery challenges)
  • Sunbright Surelight's History of Happiness & Knowledge Tour (will include an interactive game that explores some of the things that make people happy, explore what makes the player happy, happiness heroes and heroes of knowledge (significant thinkers) that spans both history and the globe to find out what happiness means to different people along with an interactive knowledge and memory builder game)
  • Hilly Helpful’s Rare Creatures on the Brink Protect and Preserve Tour  (will include an interactive game with clues to protected species with tips on how to preserve, save and rescue them along with some real life challenges)
  • Wonderful Wishy's Deserve Wish Granting Tour (as Wonderful Wishy searches for deserving people to grant wishes to which will also feature an interactive game with interactive clues to find deserving heroes from the past along with some helpful minutes real life challenges)
  • Life Stories Amazing Feats in the Nick of Time Tour (explores what amazing feats were done in various time segments e.g. thirty seconds, one minute, thirty minutes, one hour, one day, one month and one year will also feature an interactive game with a set of time task challenges)
  • Soiley Seconds Soiley Delights Tour (will explore plants, flowers and trees from across the globe and will also feature an interactive game with plant clues, flower trails and treehouse build challenges along with challenges for your local park)
  • Chatty Snacky & Minute Morsel's Tastybuds and Cowardly Foods Tour (will explore foods from around the world and nutrition will also feature an interactive game with simple make at home recipes, cowardly/mischief making ingredients food chase hunts with find and harvest time tasks)
  • Fastfix Blasttricks' Sparky Tour (will explore different forms of energy and how to save energy and will also feature an interactive game with tricky spark clues, energy currents and light bulb trails)
  • Wavey Waterworks' Hardware Hunt (will explore different tools from across the world, useful hardware objects and how to tackle basic DIY tasks and will also feature an interactive game with repair and recycling challenges)
  • Precious Seconds' Time Saving Tips Tour (will explore time saving tips from around the globe and will also include an interactive game with time saving planning and wise time spend challenges along with a real life time savers challenge list)
  • Riddler Mazey's Magnificent Mazey Tour (will explore various mazes from history and will also include an interactive game with riddle clues, clue trails and maze escape challenges along with a real life maze puzzle challenges activities)
  • Natty Fossy's Wild Track & Tame Tour (will explore various wild and domestic creatures from across the globe and provide taming tips for the brave and will also include an interactive game with track hunts, trail clues and wildlife taming challenges and a real life local park challenge list)
  • Exactfacts Timetracks' Fact Check Mystery Tour (will explore various mysteries from across the globe, follow clues and time tracks to fact check details along with a real life fact check challenge list)
  • Pranky Manky's Cheer Up Tour (will explore funny events and people in history that made people laugh and will also include an interactive game with jokey riddle clues, funny limericks and guess the giggle challenges along with a real life cheer up challenge list)
  • Swifty Switchy's Costumes & Disguises Tour (will explore costumes from across the globe and masters of disguise from history and will also include an interactive game with costume clues and solve the mystery in disguise challenges along with real life easy to make at home costumes and put on a wise disguise challenge list)
  • Zappy Power Packer's Body Energy Tour (will explore bodily energy, sleep patterns, food fuel groups, exercise and body heat and will also feature an interactive game with energize your size challenges along with a real life bodily energy challenges list)
  • History Historia’s History is a Mystery Tour (will explore history, time periods, civilizations and important people as well as objects and mysteries from the past)
  • Fastfix Blasttricks, Fatekind Healkind and Deep Dreamster's Dream Finder & Builder Tour of the Realm of Time: Big Dreams, Sticky Muddy Problems and Expert Fixers in this book Fastfix Blasttricks, Fatefind Healkind and Deep Dreamster will take you on a tour of a few people who had big dreams that had to overcome problems and obstacles to achieve things in life. During their tour they will also show you how to find your dreams, how to seek out your life goals, how to set and meet your dream goals, how to solve sticky muddy problems, how to jump over hurdles and how to move obstacles as they try to achieve their goal which is to build the Dream Finder & Builder Kiosk.  In their quest to achieve their goal, the three embark upon a Realm of Time tour and along their way, they meet some of realmtimer experts to gather some expert opinions on finding your dreams, building your dreams, solving problems, overcoming hurdles, moving obstacles and teamwork as they trade and negotiate for the support, materials, efforts and expert knowledge that they need to build the Dream Finder & Builder Kiosk and then try to meet their own goal.  (will also feature an interactive game with a set of dream builder challenges)
  • to be updated