Forever After Lands Merchandise:
Toy Ranges: Soft Toys, Dolls, Reversible Character Backpacks, Figurines, Craft Make & Playsets & Other Playsets (building, magnetic, puppet, craft etc.)
Collectors Cards & Collector Figurines
Logic Puzzles, Board Games & Games
Playsets: Building sets, magnetic playsets, craft playsets and puppet playsets
Some toys will be special Song and Dance toys:
Song Singing Characters toys will sing songs from the song collections
Special Dance/Movement Characters toys that will sing and dance dance/movement songs from the song collections
Soft Toys/Toy and Playset Ranges: Toys and playsets will enhance learning with various fun, practical and relatable functionalities
General Forever After Heroes Toy Range
Character Forever After Backpack Range:
Forever After Hero Backpacks that can turn inside out and be a toy on your bed or a character backpack on your back. (also double up as a secret stash hideaway place when in soft toy form)
Character Forever After Fancy Dress Costume Range
Special Edition:
Wishfixers (soft toys)
Wishfixers (playsets)
Wishfixer (doll range)
General Characters
Wishfuls (playsets)
Wishfuls (soft toys) (characters: wish granters like kindhearts, wishfairies, melodywishers, wishwreckers, wishdragons, wishstars etc)
Wishfuls (doll range) (characters: kind hearts, wishfairies, melodywishers, wishelves, wishdragons, wishstars, wishwreckers etc...)
Wishfuls (figurines) (characters: kind hearts, wishfairies, melodywishers, wishelves, wishdragons, wishstars, wishwreckers etc...)
Wishfuls & Wishland Playsets
Island of Wonders
Special Edition:
Wild Heroes Tribe (soft toys)
Wild Heroes Tribe (figurines)
Wonderfurballs (soft toy range that have special features)
(other possible names: Wonderfurls/Wonderfluffs/Wonderballs)
Wonderfurballs Playsets (playsets)
Main Island of Wonders (playsets)
Special Edition:
Brave Paper Crew (playsets)
Brave Paper Crew (Card Make and Playsets)
Crumplers (Card Make and Playsets)
Crumpler (Soft Paper Puppets)
Crumpler (Finger Puppets Make and Playsets)
Crumpleland (playsets)
Crumpleland (card pop up playsets)
Shadow Guard figurines (Character sets that include Shadow Defenders & Shadow Warriors)
Shadowlands Playsets
Snap 'n' Clip Figurine Sets
Techland/Cyberland Playsets
Techland/Cyberland Robot & Tech Characters toy ranges
Realm of Time
Special Edition:
Hurt Hearts Heroes
Main Realm of Time (playsets)
Realm of Time (figurines)
Realm of Time (soft toys)
Main Trashland (playsets)
Main Trashland (figurines)
Super Duper Heroes Nation
Main Super Duper Heroes Nation (playsets)
Main Super Duper Heroes Nation (figurines)
Humankinds Central
Main Humankinds Central (playsets)
Main Humankinds Central (figurines)
Main Mirrorlands (playset)
Main Mirrorlands (figurines)
Camp Finders
Camp Finders (House Tents)
Camp Finders (Camping Kit)
Camp Finders (playsets)
Camp Finders (figurines)
Camp Finders (Finder Savable kit)
Trashboy (soft toy)
Trashboy Clean Up Missions (playset)
Trashboy (figurines)
To be updated