Socially Ungifted: Measure Up

The Story

When two socially ungifted female friends that live under the sparkling rays of glory that radiate from a successful socially astute work associate that uses them as doormats, respond to an invitation from one of their male friends who is a life coach to attend his life coaching classes, they decide to give their professional, social and romantic relationships a performance review.  However, since their social and romantic relationships fall far short of excellence, their current returns from social or romantic happiness are minimal and in some instances even run into unfriendly deficits and so they decide to take matters into their own hands and to follow his life coaching social and romantic performance review procedures to see if their relationships will ever measure up in terms of joyful profits or if any of those relationships will ever be likely to provide them with any social or romantic happiness returns.  In their attempts to overhaul, fix, repair, correct, tweak and refine their romantic and social life outputs, life outcomes and destinies however, they soon run into trouble when the socially successful socialite realizes that they will no longer be an active climbing frame to her own personal ambitions and then starts to take steps to sabotage their social and romantic success.  Written by Jill Thrussell