Summary: Due to the emotional impact of relationships upon human hearts, minds and lives in the form of potential damage, from the battles of love and wounds from heartbreak, a technology firm creates a storage device called a 'Heart Protector' which allows human beings to upload and download their romantic experiences and interactions straight from their minds onto an external device which can either be connected to their thought circuit via wireless connections or not as they wish at any given time and utilized not only as a memory storage device but also as an emotional control and protective mechanism. Other system warning devices that feeds into the Heart Protector are a warning device that gauges whether or not a couple really love each other and sends warning signs to each parties’ brain that measure sincerity and the levels of true emotional devotion on both parties in the relationship as well as the fidelity on offer from each party involved. When a woman's 'Heart Protector' is stolen however, just a few weeks before her wedding is to due to occur, a panic rapidly sets in as she suddenly loses all the data, information, romantic memories and precious details about her current relationship and so a technology consultant is quickly sought out to assist her but unfortunately for her fiancé, the consultant has his own vested interests in not actually helping her to locate the stolen device at all and he is also rather reluctant to provide her with an actual replacement device and backup files. Love is suddenly placed on the line, on hold and even quite possibly, cancelled completely as Cassandra dives into the deep end of a forgotten love and an unexplored pool of love and then has to make the biggest romantic decision of her life in a very short space of time and as a tug of romantic interests rapidly commences, her love for her fiancé is pushed to its limits as it is very thoroughly explored and rigorously tested by the new male arrival on the scene and she then has to decide whether or not her romantic past is actually worth fighting for, recovering and reinstalling as a permanent fixture in her life based on the very little romantic history that she remembers and the current romantic present. Written by Jill Thrussell
Synopsis: Due to the emotional impact of relationships upon human hearts, minds and lives, a technology firm creates a storage device called a 'Heart Protector' which allows human beings to upload and download their romantic experiences and interactions straight from their minds onto an external device which can be connected to their thought circuit through wireless connections or not as they wish at any given time and utilized as an emotional control and protection mechanism. Other system warning devices that feeds into the Heart Protector are a warning device that gauges whether or not a couple really love each other and sends warning signs to each parties’ brain that measure sincerity and the levels of true emotional devotion on both parties in the relationship as well as the fidelity on offer from each party involved.
The technological devices allow people a variety of facilities enabling them to erase, modify and restore any pleasant or painful experiences, so that users no longer have to cope with the impact of those memories if they no longer wish to, when each relationship ends, or even whilst it's still ongoing and offers them warning protection as to whether real love actually exists on both parts. An additional function of the device also allows customers to download certain programs and utilities straight into their thought processes which can enhance their romantic relationships as required for no extra fee which it is claimed can prolong romantic relationships and even improve their chances of success.
When a woman's 'Heart Protector' is stolen however, just a few weeks before her wedding is due to occur, a panic rapidly sets in as she loses all the information, memories and details about her current relationship and a technology consultant is quickly allocated to assist her but unfortunately for her fiancé, the consultant has his own vested interests in not actually helping her to locate the stolen device and is reluctant to provide her with an actual replacement device with her backed up relationship files freshly installed upon it. Love is suddenly placed on the line she dives into the deep end of an unexplored pool of love and as a tug of romantic interests rapidly commences, her love for her fiancé is pushed to its limits as it is very thoroughly explored and tested and then she has to decide whether or not to her romantic past is actually worth fighting for and recovering. Written by Jill Thrussell
Genre: Sci-fi Romantic comedy.
Developed from Enhancements/First Impressions.