Friendship of Death

Friendship of Death

The Friendship of Death

A group of friends download an app called Dare Me Not that invites them to a remote building which is a renowned haunted house for a mystery weekend but when they arrive, they suddenly find the loyalty of their friendship tested through various app dares and challenges which rapidly become more and more dangerous and that they are trapped inside the building.  The group's numbers mysteriously start to dwindle in number and so when only a few remain, some start to question whether one in their midst has actually created the app itself, or if something much more sinister is attempting to exterminate them.  Fear and panic are the only consistent factors that remain which suddenly starts to grip those that remain as they try to evaluate and investigate their suspicions that there is either something else inside the house that they are trapped inside besides just themselves, or that perhaps one of their friends is actually a murderer with murderous intentions to end their lives.  Written by Jill Thrussell