Horizons of Destiny: Mission Future Life Toolkit

Horizons of Destiny: Mission Future Life Toolkit

A Crash Course on How to Find Purpose, Love and Friendship

Horizons of Destiny: Mission Future Life Toolkit (book cover poem)

When you embark upon a personal adventure and voyage of self-discovery,
You might wish to visit several different or distant horizons of destiny,
And some will teach you important life lessons that you find valuable,
While those lessons equip you with tools to make your life goals achievable,
So as you seek out your life’s purpose then set your life goals and life flow,
You may be able to solve your happiness equation to keep your stress levels low,
Because when you venture through life's miles to seek out your destiny,
You should be able to balance your happiness equilibrium more successfully.

Your horizons of destiny may expand as you bravely set out to explore,
Who you really are and the hidden depths that lie deep within your core,
But when you finally discover your true life purpose and personal destiny,
You will find that your happiness equilibrium balances more naturally,
Your mission may take you to new horizons as you try to run life's race,
And there will be life challenges to explore to find your optimal happy place,
So although the obstacle course of life can be full of many tricky life hurdles,
Once you find your true purpose you’ll find it easier to overcome life obstacles.

Some horizons of destiny can prepare you for the life that you wish to live,
Whilst others will require sacrifices that you will have to make and give,
And some horizons will equip you, expand your life goals and empower you,
So each adventure of self-discovery can provide your life with more life value,
The greatest adventure that you can embark upon in life is one of self-discovery,
Because you'll have the power to fully explore yourself in different capacities,
So enjoy your voyage of self-discovery which should solve your happiness equation,
Because living your true purpose can help you balance your happiness equilibrium.

Written by Jill Thrussell

Summary: This sixty-piece poetry collection and helpful life toolkit as told from the perspective of a life coach provides sixty knowledge landmarks and signposts which sit on the horizon of your life that you can visit to help you steer yourself in life as you explore finding purpose, love and friendships that are constructive, healthy and that can provide nourishment to both your heart and mind.  Full of knowledge landmarks and signposts that provide advice on how to avoid the rocky terrain of negativity with realism, precision and the odd splash of humour Horizons of Destiny aims to help you navigate your way across the complex lands of life and reality as well as through the deep oceans of life.  An encouragement to assist you in finding your true purpose in life, it also provides some helpful tools in a life toolkit that may help you to find romantic bliss in relationships and some knowledge signposts that will perhaps assist you as you attempt to establish and build true, genuine and meaningful friendships as you attempt to overcome obstacles, achieve goals and face challenges which are the life landmarks (goals, achievements, challenges, obstacles) of your life that you are aiming to reach, achieve or overcome.   Written by Jill Thrussell

(Developed from User Repair/Horizons of Destiny) The life toolkit concept came from the book I wrote Spectrum: Detour of Wrong and that particular part of it was written more than three or four years ago.

Horizons of Destiny Poetry Collection will come out on paperback in June 2022. 

Sixty Horizons of Destiny that you can visit to steer Your life in the right direction with sixty poems in this collection and a useful life toolkit which contains helpful diagrams, models, approaches and life tips.

Horizons of Destiny: Mission Future Life Toolkit Full Contents Page

Chapter Quotes

Your Voyage of Self Discovery

Quote:  When you embark upon your voyage of self-discovery and travel through the individual human fabric of your being, your past achievements and your personal landmarks of victory can guide you through the uncertainties of life and help you to steer yourself in the right direction towards the realization of your dreams.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Finding Your Happiness Equilibrium

Quote:   When you reach for your dreams and face the obstacle course of life, you may encounter many difficult hurdles, hard rejections, complex problems, sorrowful misfortunes, rocky hardships and bitter disappointments which may block your path, obstruct your achievements and push your dreams out of your reach but if you equip your mind with the clothes of positivity, you can unlock your joy and find your equilibrium of happiness.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Life Choices

Quote: A great challenge in life is to find the reality in your passions and to find a winning position in that tug of war of life as you try to overcome yesterday's doubts, strive for today's expectations and wish for tomorrow's hopes as you face the hurdles of sacrifice, obstacles of life and walls of constraint that block your way in the maze of life with effort, hard work and dedication.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Your Life Toolkit Quotes: Internal

Quote:  The tools that you need in life can be found in your life toolkit which exists inside of you and as each tool you possess awaits discovery and utilization, you will find that you also possess the keys to your individual happiness.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Quote: Try to learn from the grains of wisdom from those you trust and arms that care because some of life's experiences can be very painful and it is far easier if you can avoid some of those pitfalls.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Life Toolkit: External Opportunities & Factors

Quote: If you build a bridge to happiness with the planks of hard work, ropes of effort and wooden pillars of respect, then you will find it far easier to cross any divides in life which will enable you to reach your life goals, a place of personal purpose, real satisfaction and true happiness.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Romance Toolkit Quotes:

Love & Romance

Quote: When you decide to invest in romance and want to take a romantic chance, in order to find your happiness equilibrium of romantic bliss, you will have to measure up the right love that will fit your heart, your mind and your circumstance.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Quote: Romance is not a one-way system and so for real love to exist, live and thrive, it requires two willing hearts that love and two willing hearts that give.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Quote: Find hearts to love in life that celebrate you not tolerate you. ~ Jill Thrussell

Friendship Toolkit Quotes:

Quote: A bridge of friendship can be built from your internal treasure chest of care, honesty, effort, support and time because all of those emotional resources can help you to invest and to add emotional value to your heart and mine.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Quote: In your uncomfortable moments you will truly discover the genuine friendships that you possess from the comforts, presence and support of your true friends.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Quote: Trials in life or friendship can at times, test our hearts and minds but only true friendship can build a bridge of comradery that never breaks, caves, bends, betrays or misleadingly pretends.  ~ Jill Thrussell


The Mission Future Life Toolkit:

Romance Toolkit Contents:

  1. Romantic Investments from Your LOVE INVEST CHEST AP (Toe Dipping, Hearty Swims and Deep Dives)
  2. Functions and Practicalities of Romance: A Lover's Guide to Mutual Appreciation (inclusive of Magnets of Attraction and Tug of Hearts etc.)
  3. The Airport of Passion: Flights of Love (First Class, Second Class, Business Class, Baggage Area)
  4. Labyrinth of Romantic Choices: Maze of Love (Finding Affectionate Satisfaction, Sensual Happiness and Romantic Bliss)
  5. Obstacle Courses of Love and the Racetracks of Romance: Sprints, Long Distance Runs, Hurdles and Marathons
  6. Your Romantic Bliss Wishlist: Passionate Wants, Romantic Expectations and Emotional Inputs
  7. Your Love Heart Chart of Romance: Your Hearty Map Chart of Romantic Compatibilities and Loving Alignments (LOVEPAL: Life Goals, Overall Interests, Values, Experiences, Personality, Attitudes and Love Goals)
  8. Your Romantic Happiness Equilibrium: Your Happiness Scales of Romantic Bliss
  9. The Romance Toolkit and Love Map: Romance Happiness Tests and the Measure Gauges of Love Your Heart-O-Meters: Love Fuel Tanks and Romance Measure Gauges (Care, Honesty, Effort, Support, Time, Affection and Passion (CHESTAP) plus Loyalty, Trust, Respect, Commitment, and Romance)
  10. Romantic Sustainability: Your Current Love Account and Your Love Statement
  11. Romantic Sustainability and Your Romantic Happiness Unlock Code
  12. Solving Your Love Equation: Finding Your Romantic Happiness Equilibrium
  13. Your Best Love INVEST CHEST AP (Emotional Inputs and Emotional Outputs)
  14. The Romantic Scorecard: Foundations of Love, Love Equations and Relationship Quality Control
  15. Romantic Boundaries Toolkit: MUCCBITES (CHEST/MUCCBITES/ICEDISMISS)
  16. Your Heart Chart of Romantic Boundaries: Acceptance. Rejection. Tolerance. Compromise. Absolutes.
  17. The Romance Toolkit: Relationship Analysis Destinations of Love and Heartbreak: Mansion of Love, Gardens of Romantic Bliss, Pond of Trials, Rocky Mountains of Stress, Stormy Whirlpools of Pain, Wilderness of Heartbreak, Desert of Solitude, Hills of Sacrifice, Clouds of Hope, Valley of Rejection, Pits of Disappointment and the Battlefield of Betrayal
  18. The Romantic Health Toolkit: Romance Health Checks (Romance Classifications: Romantic Bliss: Vibrant & Healthy, Slight Damage: Needs Care and Attention e.g. painkillers for headaches, Broken or Fractures: Needs Crutches or a Sling, or Critical: Needs a Life Support Machine) 
  19. Departures from Unromantic Flights of Love: Escape Hatches, Crash Landings and Parachutes (The Escape Hatches of Last Resort, Crash Landings of Bitter Exits and the Parachutes of Support)
  20. The Heartbreak Toolkit: The Heart Recovery Life Support Machine

Friendship Toolkit Contents:

  1. Friendship Investments: Your Friendship INVEST CHEST (Social and Emotional Investments from Your Heart, Mind and Time)
  2. The Friendship Map: Structural and Social Foundations of Friendship (Structural Foundations of Friendship: Support, Honesty, Care and Respect/Social Friendly Alignments: Interests, Support Values, Experiences, Personality, Work/Profession, Life Goals, Circumstances and Social Circles)
  3. Your Friendship Happiness Equilibrium (Deep dives, Mid Swims and Shallow Paddles)
  4. Building Solid Structures of Friendship: Foundations of Sincerity, Pillars of Strength and Building Blocks of Growth (Loyalty, Effort, Respect, Support, Care and Honesty)
  5. The Friendship Guide: The Scales of Mutual Appreciation
  6. The Companionship Map: Social Charts of Friendly Alignments (Pie Chart of Friendship/Spheres of Friendship: Personality, Interests, Life Experiences, Attitudes, Life Goals, Circumstances, Social Circles, Work/Profession and Values
  7. The Obstacle Course of Friendship
  8. Friendship Analysis: Quality Control, Happiness Tests and Your Friend-O-Meters (Friendly Fuel Tanks and Friendship Measure Gauges: Care, Honesty, Effort, Support, Time (CHEST) plus Loyalty, Trust Respect and Commitment)
  9. Unfriendly Tugs of War: Conflicts in Friendship
  10. The Curves of Friendship: Friendship Trajectories, Upgrades, Expansions, Demolitions and Salvage Yards (Friendship Trajectories, Upgrades and Friendly Expansions/ Destructive Friendships and Unfriendly Demolition Sites/Diminishing Friendships and The Hurt Hearts Salvage Yard)

Mission Future Life Toolkit (some Diagrams and Tip Sheet examples)

Life Tip Sheet and Steps Forward for Change Directional Pointers:

Some Examples from the Romance Toolkit:

  1. Romantic Investments from Your LOVE INVEST CHEST AP (Toe Dipping, Hearty Swims and Deep Dives)

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Romantic efforts are an emotional investment that may or may not be rewarded kindly, so before you jump into the deep end, try to dip your toes in before you have a swim to ensure that your heart won't sink. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: When you invest your heart, mind, time and emotions into love, effort, commitment, honesty and care may not always be there and so you must prepare your heart for any negative romantic losses that might occur. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Emotional risks usually run higher where emotional commitments are lower. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: When you invest in yourself, you invest in one heart but when you invest in romance, you invest in two hearts and that increases the emotional risk factors. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Emotional value in romance can be created through your invest CHESTAP of care, honesty, effort, support, time, affection and passion but you must always remember that your investment supplies are not infinite and at times, must be replenished. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Before you emotionally invest in what could potentially cause your heart and mind a lot of stress, consider the risk factors of each emotional investment that you wish to make.
  • Once you make an emotional romantic investment, keep your mind alert, your eyes open and yourself fully awake because love is not a one-way road system or a one-sided love affair.
  • If you find that a romantic relationship drains you, this is usually because the other party is not contributing or emotionally investing in that romance to the same degree that you are.


  1. The Airport of Passion: Flights of Love (First Class, Second Class, Business Class, Baggage Area)

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: If you find yourself in the airport of passion where you intend to board a flight of romance, please check your ticket of love to make sure that you will be sitting on the correct seat because if your heart is put in second-class, business class or even the baggage area, your heart may experience more turbulence and a very rocky flight.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Business class flights of love will usually only yield transactional conveniences which you might one day find empty, void, emotionally bankrupt and insincere, if your own heart is truly, sincerely committed.  ~ Jill Thrussell  
  • Life Tip Three: Someone who really loves you will want to give you a first-class seat upon their flight of love and a boarding pass straight to their heart. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: The baggage area of someone's heart is not a warm, comfortable or enjoyable place to be and so if you spend too long there, you might suffer some emotional injuries from the other baggage. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Don't let passion, attraction or love blind you from the seat in someone's heart that you have offered and given because if you end up in the baggage area in their heart and you have given them a first-class seat in your heart, you will suffer many disappointments. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. Obstacle Courses of Love and the Racetracks of Romance: Sprints, Long Distance Runs, Hurdles and Marathons

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Obstacles can destroy a romance but when love is a genuine unity of hearts and minds, love can jump over any hurdles, leap over any ditches, swim through any pond of trials or climb up any walls of endurance. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Romance is an obstacle course for hearts but not every romantic partnership will be romantically successful or even harmoniously joyful. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Some obstacles may make our hearts and minds stronger but other obstacles can show us the stressful factors that we shouldn't tolerate for much longer. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Life's obstacles can test the sincerity of hearts but you should always try to avoid someone who creates, manipulates, lubricates or facilitates those obstacles for their own gain. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Forgiveness is not an infinite supply so you should not extend perpetual exemptions from wrong to repeat offenders that commit love crimes repeatedly against your heart. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Romantic choices are something that you can make but are also something that you can break, so if an unromantic choice is having a destructive impact upon your life, you can choose to restrict that party's access to your life until there is some improvement in their attitude, conduct and behavior towards you.
  • If you make an unromantic choice and commit to a relationship that is not the end of the choice, every day that you remain in that relationship, you are making another choice to participate in that romance and so you can also make another choice to terminate any unromantic, unhealthy romances.
  • Sometimes the best choice is to permanently leave an unromantic relationship and no matter how much you care, or how much time, effort and support you have invested into it those are sunk costs along with the heartbreak, disappointment and hurt that you solely will bear when you leave.


  1. Your Romantic Bliss Wishlist: Passionate Wants, Romantic Expectations and Emotional Inputs

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Romance starts in the eyes and mind but if it is sincere then it quickly travels to the heart.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Passionate wants coupled with romantic expectations can build a romantic bliss wish-list of heavy proportions, so try to keep your heart rooted in romantic reality at all times. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Romantic expectations must be realistic to be realizable because not many hearts can reach fictitious goals that are way out of their romantic or practical reach. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: When passion conquers your soul and you lose sight of your love and life goals, then you may start to lose self-control.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Your emotional inputs are something that only you can control but the emotional inputs from another heart are at the command of another's heart, mind and hands. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • If an unromantic relationship that you have entered into becomes the major obstacle in your life to happiness then you must start to evaluate that relationship properly and consider the unromantic impact that it has on your heart, happiness and life.
  • Once you evaluate the unromantic impact, you must honestly consider how likely it is to change and discuss that with your partner.
  • For a while you wish to wait and see if an unromantic relationship improves but if your partner commits to change then they must also back that commitment up with romantic actions.


  1. Your Love Heart Chart of Romance: Your Hearty Map Chart of Romantic Compatibilities and Loving Alignments (Life Goals, Overall Interests, Values, Experiences, Personality, Attitudes and Love Goals) (LOVEPAL)

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Alignments in love can adorn love in more splendor but they can never be a real substitute for respect, honesty, support, affection and care. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Compatibilities may make hearts warmer and hands more tender but if you have to race and compete against each other in life, it can also undermine those joys. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: A heart chart of romance can help you to identify where your two hearts sit individually and where they cross over, overlap and combine in romantic unity.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Love goals differ from life goals in the sense that they look at your potential future through a romantic lens as you attempt to realize your romantic dreams in reality. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Many things can attract two hearts to each other but only genuine love and sincere emotional investments from your' invest CHESTAPs can keep two hearts together.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • When emotional inputs fall short of your romantic expectations and passionate wants, the first thing you must inspect is your own Romantic Bliss Wishlist to ensure that is realistic, reasonable and achievable because it is hard to reach romantic goals that are set way above reality.
  • Since someone else contributes in terms of their romantic and emotional inputs into your relationship, these inputs are not solely under your control hence you will have to negotiate what you both contribute together but if after doing so, you still feel dissatisfaction you may have to consider which areas you can tolerate, negotiate about and which are absolutely unacceptable.
  • If you find that your relationship is still rendering unromantic, unsatisfactory or unacceptable returns to your heart in the longer term and that romantic negotiations have not borne results then you may have to leave that relationship to protect your own heart and to protect yourself from exploitation.


  1. Your Romantic Happiness Equilibrium: Your Happiness Scales of Romantic Bliss

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: When you weigh up your relationship on your romantic bliss scales, the joyful love rewards must outweigh the unromantic stressful factors in order to allow romantic bliss to prevail. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Romantic bliss is not a destination that one heart can reach alone, it is an emotional journey that two hearts must embark and remain upon together. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: You may not know how to find true romantic bliss but you can find directional pointers in your heart and mind that can help to steer you in the right direction and at times, instinct and intuition can provide warnings to your heart that should not be ignored. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Romantic bliss is when two hearts love each other perfectly which may not result in a perfect relationship but a commitment and efforts that harmoniously strive to realize romantic perfection, romantic satisfaction and romantic happiness together. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: For a romantic relationship to pass your romantic bliss happiness test that relationship must not overload you with too much unromantic stress. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Alignments in love can be positive but can also be negative if you find that your partner competes with you directly which can be quite hurtful if they are overly competitive and so, if this becomes a problem you will have to address the issue before conflicts increase or escalate.
  • In such a situation you may find that you can reduce your relationship's internal competition by doing certain things in harmony together as a team rather than competing against each other, for example if you both like sports and tennis instead of playing tennis against each other, you can join a doubles club and play doubles against other people.
  • If you look at your individual heart chart maps and your joint heart chart, you should be able to find any overlap areas where you clash due to competitive tendencies after which point you can both discuss, plan and participate in the corrective actions that need to occur in order to reduce that competitive conflict together.


  1. The Romance Toolkit and Love Map: Romance Happiness Tests and the Measure Gauges of Love

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: The measure gauges of love like care, honesty, effort, support, time, loyalty, trust, respect, commitment, affection and passion can help you to give your romantic partnership and romance, a reality check and a romantic maintenance review to determine where any low levels exist, where corrective actions may need to occur and which tanks might require a bit more input from either party. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: When you inspect your love fuel tanks and measure up your relationship's romance gauges make sure that you measure up your own romantic inputs and contributions too because love is not a one-way system. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Each fuel tank that you wish to fill up in your relationship will require inputs from your romantic partner and so, you cannot fill these fuel tanks alone but with honest discussion, genuine effort, sincere commitment and supportive care from both hearts, minds and bodies, you may just be able to fill up some of those love tanks together. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If the tanks of love in your relationship are running low, your romance may start to collapse and it might even disintegrate until it vanishes completely, so you may have to monitor these love tanks regularly to give your romantic partnership a romance health check-up which can keep your romance in good romantic health. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: You cannot fill any tanks of love such as care, honesty, effort, support, time, affection, passion, loyalty, trust, respect and commitment without romantic contributions from both hearts. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Unromantic stress can create conflict in a relationship and place the romance under pressure and so if you find that your partner overloads you with unromantic stressful factors, your first step will be to identify the root cause of that stress.
  • Once you get to the root cause of the unromantic stress then you both have to find a way to manage that situation in the short term and to solve it in the long term in order to reduce your stress levels and to reignite the romance between you both
  • If the situation does not improve, you could consider these three options, you can either withdraw access to your heart until the situation improves and take a romantic step back (i.e. if in a permanent relationship go back to dating and special weekly date nights), or you might wish to consider joint relationship or stress management counselling, or you can terminate the relationship completely.


  1. Romantic Sustainability: Your Current Love Account and Your Love Statement

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: The measure gauges of love like care, honesty, effort, support, time, loyalty, trust, respect, commitment, affection and passion can help you to give your romantic partnership and romance, a romantic reality check and a romance maintenance review to determine where any low levels exist, where corrective actions may need to occur and which tanks might require a bit more input from either party.  ~ Jill Thrussell

  • Life Tip Two: If you find yourself, your heart and your happiness continually under strain or depleting from a romance that drains your emotional resources, in the long run this will become romantically unsustainable and your general happiness and health will eventually suffer.  ~ Jill Thrussell

  • Life Tip Three: Love returns to your heart are important and must pass your romantic bliss happiness test because these love rewards can reinforce commitments, nurture trust, enhance passion, improve affection, multiply loyalty and improve romantic performance. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If a romance falls into an emotional deficit and there are no love returns or rewards to enjoy, if no corrective action is taken it may slip further down the spiral of deterioration until it either falls apart completely, or is irretrievable damaged beyond repair. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: When it comes to romantic sustainability, you can sustain many aspects of your romance and romantic partnership with your heart, mind and body and none of these three resources are restricted by financial constraints.  ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. Romantic Boundaries Toolkit: MUCCBITES (CHEST/MUCCBITES/ICEDISMISS)

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One:  The tools of rejection, tolerance, compromise and absolutes can help you to limit exposure in your romantic relationship to behavior that should not be there, if you set clear boundaries and express what is and what isn't acceptable from the start.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Do not assume that someone else is a mind reader or that they adhere to the same values as you do because if you later discover that they don't, your heart may suffer some damage.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Manipulation, ulterior motives, control, convenience, betrayal, infidelity, temper outbursts, erratic behavior and savagery can quite often be symptoms of a far bigger problem which may result due to either a lack of emotional control or that could perhaps relate to relationships that our partner has with substances, alcohol or drugs that are unhealthy neither of which can be ignored or minimized.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If you decide to remain in a relationship where some of the more severe negative MUCCBITES are present and where temper outbursts, erratic behavior, infidelity or savagery are frequently prevalent then you might ultimately, put yourself in danger or at risk which is not romantic or love of any kind because you should love you enough to want better for your heart and you.  ~ Jill Thrussell  
  • Life Tip Five: Romantic boundaries can be helpful to set the tone of your relationship but if you have to repeat yourself too often or increase the volume by too much for your voice to be heard then perhaps you need to find a more peaceful, pleasant, romantic relationship for your heart because if someone loves you, you shouldn't need to wait for a bit of respect, care, support, honesty, fidelity, effort and decency.  ~ Jill Thrussell


Steps Forward Towards Change Directional Pointers:

  • Analyze the MUCCBITES problems
  • Estimate the potential severity and possible negative impacts
  • Seek solutions with your partner, or if it is felt to be dangerous, seek any support that you may need to leave that situation.


  1. Your Heart Chart of Romantic Boundaries: Acceptance. Rejection. Tolerance. Compromise. Absolutes.

Romance Life Tips Page:

  • Life Tip One: If your romance is unhealthy, a romance health checkup may help you to identify its true position and if it is in a position of slight damage, you may be able to give it more care and attention like painkillers, if it is broken or fractured you may need to seek a crutch of support or a sling like relationship advice from friends and if it is in a very critical state, you may even have to find a life support machine like professional relationship counselling. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: An unhealthy romance or a destructive romantic partnership will never be good for your heart. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: When a romantic relationship is very unhealthy, you will find it hard to romantically sustain it in the long term because your emotional inputs, your love rewards and the love returns to your heart will not be sufficient.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If there just a flatline in your romance and there are no heartbeats of love, no pulse of passion and there are no signs of any possible resuscitation or recovery, you may have to terminate that life support machine and accept that your romance cannot be reawakened or brought back to life. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Everyone wants to find true romantic bliss but not many are willing to put in the romantic investment and romantic efforts that the emotional journey to romantic bliss really requires. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Clearly communicate your romance boundaries with your partner
  • If any infringements occur step back from the relationship
  • Wait for change, work on the issues together or terminate the relationship


18. The Romantic Health Toolkit: Romance Health Checks (Romance Classifications: Romantic Bliss: Vibrant & Healthy, Slight Damage: Needs Care and Attention e.g. painkillers for headaches, Broken or Fractured: Needs Crutches or a Sling, or Critical: Needs a Life Support Machine) (need to romance toolkit diagram for this one)

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: If your romance is unhealthy, a romance health checkup may help you to identify its true position and if it is in a position of slight damage, you may be able to give it more care and attention like painkillers, if it is broken or fractured you may need to seek a crutch of support or a sling like relationship advice from friends and if it is in a very critical state, you may even have to find a life support machine like professional relationship counselling.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: An unhealthy romance or a destructive romantic partnership will never be good for your heart.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three:  When a romantic relationship is very unhealthy, you will find it hard to romantically sustain it in the long term because your emotional inputs, your love rewards and the love returns to your heart will not be sufficient.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If there just a flatline in your romance and there are no heartbeats of love, no pulse of passion and there are no signs of any possible resuscitation or recovery, you may have to terminate that life support machine and accept that your romance cannot be reawakened or brought back to life.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Everyone wants to find true romantic bliss but not many are willing to put in the romantic investment and romantic efforts that the emotional journey to romantic bliss really requires.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Analyze and categorize your current romantic relationship: (check your love gauges)
  1. Vibrant & Healthy: continue with your love and care plan, romantic efforts and loving maintenance because whatever you are doing for and with each other is working.
  2. Slight Damage: if there is slight damage to your relationship then you may both need to input more from your INVEST AP chests until it improves and your romantic partnership recovers to a state of romantic health.
  3. Broken or Fractured: when your relationship is broken or fractured, you will need a sling or crutch of support which can perhaps come from your friends, families and loved ones who may be able to provide you with a listening ear, some good advice and even some supportive efforts.
  4. Critical: if your relationship is in need of resuscitation or a life support machine and if you wish to save it, you will probably have to seek some kind of relationship therapy of some kind.
  • If you both wish to save the relationship make an appropriate action plan with your partner:
  • Recheck your love gauges, romantic scorecard, love returns, statement of romantic bliss and weigh up the romantic sustainability of your relationship every few weeks or months, depending on how critical it is until recovery can be seen and improvement is satisfactory.


  1. Departures from Unromantic Flights of Love: Escape Hatches, Crash Landings and Parachutes

Romance Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: If you wish to leave the heartbreak and unromantic stress of a romantic partnership there are many departure routes but first and foremost, you must ensure that you have a safe means of departure and exit route.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two:  A parachute of support can come in handy if you wish to leave a romance like support from friends, help from family members and even assistance from professional organizations, if that romantic relationship has legal or other complexities.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: When you make a crash landing and a very bitter exit, you may end up in a ditch of heartbreak that has thorns of betrayal and pain on all sides but if you seek a parachute of support before that crash landing, your exit can be far smoother and cause much less damage to your heart.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: An unromantic flight of love may leave you sitting in the baggage area of romance but you can always seek out the escape hatch and a parachute in order to rescue your own heart.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Romantic relationships that are destructive can cause unromantic stress and can lead to break downs along with various other types of injury and so if you find that you can no longer cope with a romance or tolerate the conditions of one, you must either leave immediately, if you are able to, or seek out a parachute of support that can help you to leave.  ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • If you are in a relationship full of pain, hurt and misery, you may be waiting for positive changes that will never come or a rescue that might not happen and so you must always remember that sometimes, we have to be our own heroes in life and love, so first and foremost, you must analyze your position in terms of safety.
  • Make a practical plan to leave the relationship that is realistic in that if you need somewhere else to live, start making alternative arrangements and find somewhere affordable, suitable and safe to reside, if you don't drive and you need transport to move your belongings, hire a van or taxi or perhaps speak to a friend that drives but whatever you do, you should not procrastinate because change doesn't happen just because you want it too.
  • Some support organizations do exist to help people who face difficult circumstances due to abusive relationships, so if you are in or have been in that situation, look for them, reach out to them and then let them help you.


Some Life Tip Sheet Examples from the Friendship Toolkit:

  1. Friendship Investments: Your Friendship INVEST CHEST

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: All social and emotional investments require effort, commitment, time and care which is an investment from your heart, mind and time. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Any investment in friendship is subject to an emotional risk. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Social and emotional investments may never reap any financial returns to your life but some may return emotional value in the form of happiness of various kinds to your heart and mind. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Emotional value can be given via friendships through efforts that are constructive, respectful, consistent, loyal, supportive, caring and reliable. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: When you invest in a friendship that means that you emotionally value another person's presence in your life but this should not be a one-sided emotional transaction and should be reciprocated to be mutually beneficial. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • If you decide to emotionally INVEST in a friendship before you commit too much from your INVEST CHEST and yourself, you must try to weigh up the emotional risk factors.
  • Monitor your friendship investments over time so that you can decide which friendships to invest more resources into and which friendships truly value you as a friend.
  • If you find that a friendship is becoming destructive or overly negative then you must divest your invest chest to protect yourself and your emotions.


  1. The Friendship Map: Building Structural and Social Foundations of Friendship:

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Solid structural foundations like support, honesty, care and respect are fundamental cornerstones to any kind of friendship that you wish to last. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Sometimes we make friends in life to go places together so that we can be happier but at other times in life, our friends make our lives happier places to live and be. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: A unity of friendship can be warm, torn, last long, be short, weak or strong but if you build that friendship upon the solid foundations of care, honesty, trust and respect, it will never go far wrong. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Happy memories from our friendships can live longer in warm, caring hearts and loving minds. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: When you start to build the foundations of friendship try to make sure that you are building them with the right kind of friends that will value and appreciate your heart, mind and time. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. Your Friendship Happiness Equilibrium

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Your happiness equilibrium is a balance between your life rewards and stress factors therefore friendship can either add positively to or detract negatively from that happiness. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Friendships aren't always obstacle free but you have to weigh up your commitment to see if a particular friendship is a good place to be. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Friendship starts in the mind and then travels to the heart but how long it lives inside your heart is variable and subject to mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual kindness, mutual care and mutual forgiveness. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: True friendship is usually a rare alliance of unity between separate entities that have either found common joys or common suffering. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: What the mind counts as an emotional cost can vary when you look at those costs through the lenses of love and with a warm heart. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. Building Solid Structures of Friendship: Foundations of Sincerity, Pillars of Strength and Building Blocks of Growth

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: The foundations of sincerity are a good place to start when you want to build a warm friendship that emanates from the heart. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: When you build a friendship built upon the foundations of sincerity then the obstacles you face together can help you to build up some pillars of strength and also provide building blocks of friendship growth. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: When loyalty, respect, efforts, support, care and honesty align then a true friendship can not only live but also flourish and blossom. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: Do not build friendships on unstable ground that shakes, quakes, rattles and forsakes and where there is no real friend. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Sincerity cannot be bought, loyalty cannot be sought, care cannot be forgotten, respect cannot be mistaken, efforts cannot be lost and honesty cannot destroy trust. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. The Friendship Guide: The Scales of Mutual Appreciation

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: When you weigh your friendship up upon the scales of mutual appreciation, you must consider other people's perception because what weighs nothing on your scales might weigh a lot more on someone else's scales. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Friendship can be a gift given from the heart but without mutual appreciation, friendship has no real place to start. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: What one heart gives to another heart in an act of friendship may have differing weights upon your scales, according to your values in life. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: A voyage of companionship can only begin when more than one party boards that friend ship. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: A friendship mast can steer your boat of life into warmer waters but you must weigh up any friendship commitments accurately to see if your friendship sails are fuelled by mutual reciprocation in order to avoid any jagged edges of disappointment from the rocks of rejection. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. The Companionship Map: Social Charts of Friendly Alignments

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Friendship ties warmth around hearts through the strings of mutual interest, appreciation, personalities, suffering, joy, attitudes, circumstances, common life goals, values or experiences but friendship cannot tie any warmth to cold hands. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: A friend for life is a friend that stands by your side through any strife. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: For true friendship to exist, live, grow and breathe, the ribbons of life that tie you together, must be strong enough to withstand any kind of weather and flexible enough to bend not break. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: You may discover a new friend that you didn't know you had but you can't afford to lose a true friend that lifts you up when life's strife makes you feel sad. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: When you form a new alliance of hopeful friendship, be careful not to misstep into a tricky, rocky, destructive relationship. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. The Obstacle Course of Friendship

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: Obstacles can stretch and test a friendship but will never truly break or destroy a true unity of hearts and minds.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: The obstacle course of friendship may be full of many ditches of disappointment, hurdles of sacrifice, ponds of trials, chasms of betrayal, climbing walls of endurance and pits of hurt but it can also provide your heart with warmth, furnish your mind with comfort and equip you with a crutch of support when your life turns upside down.  ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: Friendship is an obstacle course for hearts that not everyone can participate in, finish or complete. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: The obstacles in friendship can never be overcome without genuine care, honesty, efforts, support and time. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Hurdles and ditches of pain can be leapt over with hearts of forgiveness but such leaps of love should only occur when true remorse and correctional efforts are clear, generously given and deeply sincere. ~ Jill Thrussell


  1. The Curves of Friendship: Friendship Trajectories, Upgrades, Expansions, Demolitions and Salvage Yards

Friendship Life Tips:

  • Life Tip One: When a friendship curve starts it can head in many directions and leap towards the peaks of joy, dip down into the deep ditches of pain, sink into valleys of disloyal betrayal or just saunter gently along plateaus of mutual appreciation, so your heart must be fully equipped and emotionally prepared, just like your mind should be alert and fully aware. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Two: Before you upgrade a friendship and invest more into the foundations of companionship that you have built, you must first evaluate the grounds and foundations of mutual respect to ensure that your friendship has a safe foundation to build upon. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Three: If a friendship is not emotionally sustainable, your heart or mind may suffer until you stumble upon a demolition site but if you decide to demolish a friendship, wrap your words in love, depart with care and try to leave a ticket of hope for a return journey. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Four: If a friendship breaks your heart with betrayal or pain, you may find yourself at the salvage yard in life with only hurt, shame and blame, so as you pick up the broken fragments of your heart from the ground, just don't give a return ticket to those who have proven that their friendship is not sound. ~ Jill Thrussell
  • Life Tip Five: Upgrades to a friendship cannot repair, what was never really ever there to begin with. ~ Jill Thrussell

Directional Pointers and Steps Forward Towards Change:

  • Some friendships may diminish over time because that person was never really a true friend to begin with and so if you experience hurt due to their misdeeds of friendship, sometimes you have to accept that you cannot reconcile with that friend because of what they have done to your life and heart.
  • So if you find yourself at the demolition site of unfriendly because a friend has deeply betrayed you, take care as you demolish that friendship because you still have to salvage your own heart and life and that person may wish to cause more damage to you.
  • Sometimes the pain of betrayal and the hurt that stems from destructive friendships can be too severe and traumatic and in these instances, you must restrict access to your life, heart, mind and time permanently because not all friends are sincere and so not all friendships will survive the obstacles of life or the obstacles of friendship.



Some Example Diagrams from the Horizons of Destiny: Mission Future Life Toolkit: