Super Duper Heroes on Call: Paper Planes, Heroic Discoveries & the Fix the Universe To Do List
Short Summary: When a boy with some physical challenges (cerebral palsy) that loves origami finds a mysterious paper plane, it takes him on a heroic adventure to the Super Duper Heroes Nation which is powered by heroic sparks which are kind acts, deeds and thoughts in the human world. Due to Jerome's willing, kind heart as he helps the heroes to fulfil heroic missions from the Fix the Universe To Do List and respond to some hero support requests, he starts to discover his own capacity to be a real hero with his own superpowers of courage and kindness which earn him the right to an additional superpower that allows him to make his paper creations come to life, summon the paper creations of many, multiply his creations and enables him to create paper whirlwinds, storms, flash of lightning paper creations along with a whole host of other paper folding powers. Written by Jill Thrussell
Synopsis: When a mysterious paper airplane request flies through a boy's open bedroom window, Jerome's (who is a boy with some physical challenges in the form of a cerebral palsy that loves origami) curiosity rapidly starts to ignite as his curiosity sends him on a trail to find either the origins of the message and the sender or the intended receiver. However, during Jerome's search for answers as he embarks upon his mission and follows a trail of clues, his exploration leads him to a strange support manual and backpack guide which allows him to summon characters from it to the human world and the discovery of the Super Duper Heroes Nation where he finds the Super Duper Heroes which is powered by heroic sparks from kind acts, deeds and thoughts in the human world, the on Call Support Center and the Fix the Universe To Do List Operations Center where he learns all about the Fix the Universe To Do List.
Once Jerome learns about the work of Super Duper Heroes, he then goes out on some heroic missions from the Fix the Universe To Do List with some heroes and tries to help them fulfil some support requests from those facing tricky hardships, struggles and problems. In doing so, Jerome not only starts to discover his own capacity to be a real hero with his own superpowers of courage and kindness but he also earns an additional superpower that allows him to make his paper creations come to life, summon the paper creations of many, multiply his own creations and enables him to create paper whirlwinds, storms, flash of lightning paper creations along with a whole host of other paper folding powers. Written by Jill Thrussell
Developed from: Super Duper Heroes Academy/Mirrorlands
From the original script written several years ago: Jerome was born with cerebral palsy which means that he has to wear leg braces to walk around.
Some book titles in the Super Duper Heroes Nation Include:
Special Edition Books:
- Super Duper Heroes Training Academy Student Emergency Manual
- Oddball Academy Student Crisis Survival Manual
- Super Duper H.E.R.O.E.S. on Call Support Manual and Backpack Guide
Other Books in Series:
- Super Duper Heroes on Call: Paper Planes, Heroic Discoveries & the Fix the Universe To Do List (Jerome)
- Super Duper Heroes on Call: New Heroes Day Contest (Jerome)
- Super Duper Heroes Nation: Invitation to Enroll at Oddball Academy (Zanthia)
- Hero Finders: A Super Kind of Christmas
Other Related Books:
- Trashboy/Trashboy's Clean Up Mission
- Trashboy's Hero Missions
Heroes/Oddballs: include native Super Nationers but also originate from other Forever After Lands
Neutria Zone: Natives/Wanderers/Finder Savables/from other Forever After Lands
- General (native baddies found anywhere in the baddies zone made from all things nasty)
- Rotcreators (native baddies made from slime most live in the sewers of rotten)
- Mischief Makers (native baddies but also originate from other lands in the Forever After Lands some come from the Island of Wonders)
- Troublemakers (natives baddies but also originate from other lands in the Forever Afterlands such as Timewasters, Bunglers, Shadow Warriors, Bittertions and Pirate Traders)
- Chaosmakers (native baddies made from sand most live in the Desert of Chaos)
- Stormraisers (native baddies made from water most live in the Lake of Storms)
- Rock Chunks (native baddies made from stone most live on the Rocky Chunks Cliffs)
- Trash Heapers (baddies made from trash that originate from Junkland)
General Super/Hero Nationer Activities:
- Help Organize the Super Duper Heroes Super Powers Contest
- Participate in and Attend the Super Duper Heroes Annual Festival
- Assist with the Super Duper Heroes New Heroes Tournament (open to residents of the Forever After Lands and all species of any origins)
- Attend the Super Duper Hero Awards at the Super Heroic Deeds Ceremony
- Attend the Super Duper Heroes Nation Parade
- Help Organize the Annual Super Duper Chance to Change Contest (redemption contest open to oddballs)
- Participate in the Super Duper Heroes Challenge Day
- Attend the Oddballs Almost Heroes Awards Ceremony
- Attend the Oddballs Less Cowardly Tournament
- Attend the Baddies Annual Meanies Contest (open to all baddies that reside in the baddies zone)
- Attend the Baddies Trying to be Bad Contest (open to residents of the Forever After Lands and all species of any origins)
- Attend the Annual Meanies Name and Shame Awards
Some Important Super Duper Nationers:
- Super Kindheart: Leader of Super Duper Heroes Nation that gives each hero their superpowers that also travels to and from the human world each Christmas Eve with Kindparts Spreadheart and Clumsyclack in response to requests from children in need to give deserving children superpower gifts. Most superpower gifts that are given usually center upon the things that each child is good at in life (their strengths), things that they work hard to achieve and/or things that they wish they could be good at and struggle to achieve. Some examples: super singing gifts that can heal pain, cause storms, lift heavy objects and shatter glass, super musical gifts that allow them to create musical sounds with magic instruments that can change the weather and move heavy objects around, super plant powers that help them to grow plants from their green fingers or with special tools at amazing speeds to tangle troublemakers up in knots, super kindness gifts that provide the ability to grant wishes to the deserving and super power combo gifts which usually combine more than one area of strength) Based on Melody Memories whose special unique abilities include songs that heal and grant wishes
- Kindparts Spreadheart (kindheart hero whose main superpower is kindness whose fairy parts originate from the essence of kindness)
- Clumsyclack: very clumsy kindheart (fairy/human) hero that performs heroic missions in a rather strange and unusual manner that also runs the hopeless heroes reform school to help hopeless aspiring heroes to become more useful and helpful)
- Chaoswinds (performs hero rescues and wipes out baddies with chaos winds and whirlwinds)
- Spiraltwist (hero that can twist and loop around anything and mould themselves any shape, anyone, creature or object)
- Froggyhound/FroggyDog Trailtracker (specializes in hero missions that require tracking down baddies) (Frog/Dog bloodhound originally came from the Island of Wonders)
- Creaturefighter (creature hero that has various animalistic powers)
- Wisewisher (unicorn hero that grants wishes)
- Shapeless Shapeshifter (a hero that can bubble and transform into any shape or size as well as any shape, anyone, creature or object)
- Watershaper (a hero that can create or manipulate any kind of water into any shape, size, anything, anyone or any form e.g. storms, rain, torrent, river)
- Super Zebby (a once broken toy zebra that was brought to the Land of the Lost & Forgotten that then left to find Super Duper Heroes Nation to seek out a heroic future who had aspirations to become a superhero and that was given superpowers that also runs the Toy Hero Training Center)
- Liggy StrongLegs (a once broken doll that originally came from the Land of the Lost & Forgotten that has very long legs made of rubbery elastic that can hold very heavy structures together)
- Battywolf (bat/wolf came originally from the Island of Wonders and this creature hero can keep baddies at bay)
- Natural AnimalHeart: a kindheart hero who can control nature, communicate with animals, that can transform and shapeshift into any kind of natural being or animal that also has animalistic powers that can track down pollution creator creatures and toxic waste creator creatures who also saves the human planet from climate disasters, pollution and toxic threats to nature. Follows the tracks of Toxic Waste or Pollution (junkland trash leaders that contaminate the Forever After Lands, the human world and at times that try to contaminate the past and the future) and other baddies that wish nature harm and tracks them across worlds, time zones and even at times through different time periods and dream dimensions. Able to summon multitudes of creatures to create stampedes and to shake solid ground
- Elements: a hero made from earth, fire, water, air and space that can control and command all five elements of nature and transform into element or combination of elements to perform heroic missions
- Elements Junior: a hero in training made from earth, fire, water, air and space that can control and command all five elements of nature and transform into element or combination of elements to perform heroic missions that sometimes makes errors.
- Sparky: a hero that hails originally from Imagine Nation that can create imaginary beings, objects, places and settings as well as transform anyone or anything or any place into anything can also transport anyone or anything into fictional places that performs heroic missions. Able to summon multitudes of imaginary beings or creatures
- Time Fixer: a hero that originally came from the Realm of Time that can freeze, speed up or slow down time in order to perform heroic missions and rescue those in need
- Cloudpuff Super Moods: a hero that originally hails from Cloud Puff Land that can transform emotional moods, heal hurt hearts, soothe angry or spiteful beings and that can change the weather to reflect various moods in order to perform heroic missions.
- Paper Power: a hero that originally hails from Crumpleland that transform any kind of being, object or place into paper origami beings, creatures or objects who can create paper storms and paper rains or anything else out of paper. Able to summon multitudes of paper creatures and beings and transform them into real beings and creatures
- Dauntless Dreamer: a hero that originally hails from Dreamland that can bring dreams/dream beings/dream places/dream creatures or nightmares to life, can create any kind of dream and nightmare surrounding and able to transport any being, creature or object into a dream or nightmare who can also create nightmare storms and various other weather changes with dreams and nightmares. Able to summon multitudes of dream or nightmare creatures
- Fabulous Fixer: a kindheart hero that runs the Fix the Universe To Do List Operations Center for Human Complaints, Earthly Problems and Universal Missions that always has an active ‘fix the universe’ to do list and various other hero mission lists with an urgent priority missions list etc. who usually allocates hero missions and solution missions to heroes in the Super Duper Heroes Nation and who often sets aspiring trainee hero assignments for the Forever After Lands Academy and other hero training facilities across the Forever After Lands
Heroes Region:
- Super Duper Heroes Training Academy
- Canal of Courage
- Reservoir of Strength
- Refresh Swimming Pools (boost and refresh energy)
- Heroes Emergency Landing Site
- Courage City (Heroes City)
- Super Duper Fast Food Fly In
- Hungry Heroes Snack Bar
- Mighty Meals Supply Store
Hero Operations Central Region: HERO CENTRAL
- Hero Suits Snappy Supplies Store
- Glory Gadgets Hero Wares Mart (stocks gadgets like cry for help sonar detectors and distress cry radars which can find and track things like paper plane messages, feather parachute messages and verbal cries or shouts from those in need, zap stun lazers, magic sleep blankets, heroes' network urgent assistance request pagers, metal chain ropes, lassoes, nets and bubble traps etc.)
- Sidekicks for Hire or Fire Service Office
- H.E.R.O.E.S. on Call Support Center
- Baddies Database Information and Tracking Center
- Clever Sparks Gadget Repair Shop
- Broken Wings Flight Repair Center
- Hurt Heroes Healing Center
- Special Powers Restore Center
- Toy Hero Training Center
- Nature Alerts Earthly Crisis Monitoring Center: Run by Natural Animalheart which responds to any pleas for help that relate to nature that also monitors natural disasters, climate disasters, pollution, toxic waste, depletion of essential earthly resources, provides protection to animals and wildlife and attempts to protect the earthly eco-balance.
- Elements of Nature Monitoring Center: Run by Elements and Elements Junior this monitoring center looks after the eco-balance of elements in the human world, the Forever After Lands and beyond
- Hopeless Heroes Reform School: Run by Clumsy Clack to help aspiring hopeless heroes to become more helpful and useful
- Fix the Universe To Do List Operations Center for Human Complaints, Earthly Problems and Universal Missions
Oddball Region:
- Cowards Town (Oddball Town)
- Oddball Academy
- Second Hand Handy Hero Wares Market
- Sidekicks Redemption Town
- Village of Disgrace (Oddball Village)
- Market of Shoddy (Inferior) Buys
- Sometimes Gadgets Store (sometimes the gadgets work, sometimes they don't)
NEUTRIA Neutral Zone: (mainly home to Oddballs, Wanderers and the Tourists that visit from other Lands
- Happy Travelers Hotel
- Heroes from the Past Interactive Museum
- Heroic Creatures Exhibition Farm
- Courageous Heroes Arena
- Hearty Hearts Healthy Repair Center
- Market of Snazzy Heroic Souvenirs
- Super Duper Shopping Mall
- Super Duper Fast Food Diner (eat like a hero in a flash)
- Super Duper Food Haven (upmarket restaurant where you can at times, spot a hero as you dine)
Baddies Zone:
- Baddy Wastelands (home to various baddies from all over the Forever After Lands and other places)
- Sewers of Rotten (home to the Rotcreators)
- Mischief Maker Jungle (home to Mischief Makers)
- Swamps of Trouble (home to various Troublemakers)
- Desert of Chaos (home to Chaosmakers made from sand)
- Lake of Storms (home to Stormraisers made from water)
- Rocky Cliffs of Rock Chunks (home to the Rock Chunks made from stone)
- Baddies for Hire Trading Shack
- Crafty Chances Cheat Store
- Tricky Trades Market
- Dodgy Gadgets Store
- Baddies Hall of Shame Fame
- Mighty Meanies Stage (where the baddies hold the annual mighty meanie awards, baddie concerts and baddie performances)
Power Points:
- Energy Recharge Points
- Fast Zap Portal Points
**All children's projects will adhere to the I PERCK Framework developed under the Creative Life Sparks Brand which will promote the core values of Inclusion, Participation, Empathy, Respect, Compassion and Kindness, support Social Emotional Learning and the frameworks of PSB and STEAM will also be woven in or applied where possible and suitable and every project will teach valuable life and social lessons.
Super Duper Heroes Nation Draft Map:
Based on a project written years and years ago called Super Duper Heroes Academy