Time Switch Project:
Time Switch: Series title: Time Protectors: Heroes of Time
When a young girl is given a special magical time device which is a Realm of Time digital pocket pal which also performs the function of a time teletransporter by a clock face at the Museum of Time, it leads her to the Realm of Time and as she starts to become a Time Protector Hero for humanity, she learns all about time, history, courage and kindness as well as discovering more about her descendants because she comes from a long line of Time Protectors. Written by Jill Thrussell.Short Summary: When Latisha, a very kind but untimely young girl, visits the Museum of Time, she bumps into and befriends into a friendly clock face that gives her a special teleporter time device which is a Realm of Time digital pocket pal which also performs the function of a time teletransporter that can transport her to different points in time. This fills Latisha’s days with lots of excitement and time travelling adventures and discovers more about her descendants because she comes from a long line of Time Protectors. The two quickly become good friends as Hero Finder Clock Face teaches Latisha how to dig deep within herself and how to be a Time Protector Hero and as they embark on Hero Finder Assignments to search for courage and kindness in the hearts of those they meet, rescue those in need and find lost historical objects and find Time Heroes. Along their way, they perform heroic Time Protector Hero Missions to rescue those in need, correct historical injustices and help those they come across to solve problems along with some time bots who join them on their quests and some of the members of the Solve & Resolve Crisis Fixers Team who join them for particular time hero missions which ignites the courage that lives inside Latisha's own heart and makes her far braver. However, as Latisha rapidly discovers, it's not always easy being a time protector hero when you still have school lessons, homework, household chores to perform, your time teleporter keeps going on the blink and troublemakers like Distraction, the Bunglers, Timewasters, Misery Sulk Sands Time Beings, Queen Swarmy and Problemina Swampina can show up anywhere at any time to spread bundles of trouble around, cause mischief, create chaos, multiply misery, enlarge worries and to create mayhem. Written by Jill Thrussell
Synopsis Summary:
A very kind but untimely young girl Latisha is given a magical time teletransporter device (Realm of Time digi/digital pocket pal which also performs the function of a time teletransporter) when she befriends a friendly Clockface (Hero Finder Clock Face) which she discovers can allow her to shorten, erase or insert amounts of time into her year and which ignites her courage as she starts to travel on Hero Finder Missions with Hero Finder Clockface as her time guide, she discovers more about her descendants because she comes from a long line of Time Protectors. The time teleporter device and Hero Finder fill Latisha's days with excitement and adventure as she quickly discovers that the device is particularly helpful when her homework is due but less so when she accidentally deletes her birthday and then tries to restore it by adding another day to her year which no one is bothered about which frustrates her no end but when in a moment of anger, she deletes the most important day of the year to everyone around, she manages to upset Father Time.
Due to Latisha's error and in order to redeem herself, she must then become a Time Protector Hero for humanity and with Hero Finder Clockface by her side as her guide and companion who encourages her to dig deep within herself to find her own courage, she assists Hero Finder Clockface to solve problems in both past and present and to protect the flow of time. The two start to travel through the past, present and future together as Hero Finder Clock Face teaches Latisha how to dig deep within herself and how to be a Time Protector Hero and as they embark on Hero Finder Assignments to search for courage and kindness in the hearts of those they meet and find Time Heroes, they perform heroic Time Hero Missions to rescue those in need, correct historic injustices, protect the flow time, interact with past Time Protector heroes and help those they come across to solve problems along with some of the members of the Solve & Resolve Crisis Fixers Team which ignites the courage that lives inside Latisha's own heart.
Through their time protector hero mission adventures Latisha not only learns how to use her time teleporter device to assist, help and at times even save humanity but she also learns more about history, science, problem solving and geography (amongst a bundle of other things) which helps her with her school lessons and homework. However, as Latisha rapidly discovers, it's not always easy being a time hero when you still have school lessons, homework, household chores to perform, your time teleporter keeps going on the blink and troublemakers like Distraction, the Bunglers, Timewasters, Misery Sulk Sands Time Beings, Queen Swarmy and Problemina Swampina can show up anywhere and everywhere at anytime to spread bundles of trouble around, cause mischief, create chaos, multiply misery, enlarge worries and create mayhem. Written by Jill Thrussell
Book Series:
Special Edition Introductory Book:
- Special Edition Introductory Book:
- A Curious/An Adventurous Explorer and Adventurer's Backpack Guide to the Realm of Time
- Time Switch: Clock Face and the Problems with Time
- Time Switch: Timely Adventures in the Realm of Time
- Time Switch: The Bunglers and Timewasters Bring Bags of Trouble
- Time Switch: Histories, Heroes and Mysteries
- Time Switch: Adventure Trails of the Past, Present and Future
- Forgotten Remembers Happiness
- Junior Time Explorer
- Novice Time Adventurer
- Expert Time Monitor
- Bronze Clock Face Bravery Award
- Silver Clock Face Bravery Award
- Gold Clock Face Bravery Award
- Hero of Time
- Book Series
- Soundtrack
- Animated film/series with realmtimers characters from the Realm of Time
- Collectible Figurines
- Collectible Cards (creatures, landmarks and supplies)
- Games (board game and console game)
- Special Edition Backpack with Adventurer's Survival Kit and Explorer's Gadget Pack
- Magnetic Realm of Time Game with pieces
- Realm of Time Land Sets with Figurines
- Activity Packs
- Father Time's Clock Castle
- Clock Face Village
- Clock Face Repair Center
- Unwanted Minutes Recycling Factory
- Precious Library of Special Memory Moments
- Time Watcher City
- Time Watcher Security Control Center
- Record Keeper City
- Realmtime Time Keeper Halls
- Realm of Time Control Center (R.T.C.C.)
- R.T.C.C. Time Tech Hub Tower
- R.T.C.C. Time Engineering Tower
- R.T.C.C. Time Energy Generator Plant Tower
- R.T.C.C. Happy Memories Underground Databanks City
- Time Hero Requests & Allocations Office
- Solve & Resolve on Call Resolution Center
- Mysteries of Time Detective Agency
- Mysteries of Time Resolution Requests Office
- Lost Moments Resolution Center
- Forgotten Memories Repair & Restore Centre
- Time Protector Heroes Academy
- Time Protector Town
- Prompt ‘N’ Sound Advice Kiosk (kiosk for the provision of advice where worry insects/ grey worry clouds can be transformed into solutions)
- Waterfall of Spent Seconds
- Gardens of Growing Minutes
- Mountains of Decades
- Hills of Years
- Forest of Lost Moments
- Woods of Forgotten/Forgotten Memories
- Wishing Well of Happy Tomorrows
- Maze of the Past, Present and Future
- Time Celebrations Arena
- River of Memories
- Valley of Sad Histories
- Fountain of Hopeful Wishes
- Waterfall of Present Seconds
- River of the Present
- River of the Past
- Stream of Unwanted Memories
- Fountain of Special Moments
- Brook of the Future
- Stream of Sad Memories
- Stream of Happy Memories
- Fountain of Kindness
- Fountain of Happiness
- Distinct Extinct Creatures Nature Reserve
- Museum of Time, Past Heroes and Extinct Creatures
- Floating Adventure Park of Eternity
- Lake of Dreams
- Pond of Hope
- Pond of Wisdom
Bridge of Courage: Quite close to the Fountain of Kindness visitors will find the Bridge of Courage which leads across the Stream of Happy Memories and the Stream of Sad Memories to several useful places. If you wish to visit the Time Monitor Heroes Academy, the Prompt 'N' Sound Advice Kiosk, the Distinct Extinct Creatures Nature Reserve or the Valley of Sad Histories which can be found further along the Stream of Sad Memories, this is a very useful bridge to cross. Since the Bridge of Courage itself was built from bricks that contain essence and minerals of bravery, visitors will notice that if you stand on it or walk across it, your levels of courage will increase or restore whenever you feel weak or have doubts and since each brick tells a different story about courage and time, visitors can access, jump into and experience each one for a courageous adventure simply by touching a brick. Bridge of Peace: If you happen to cross the Bridge of Peace which can be found close to the Wishing Well of Happy Tomorrows which leads to Time Monitor Town, you may notice that if peace is in short supply due to disagreements, swarms of worry insects, dark cloudy worries, sticky muddy or swampy problems that it can be found here. When you visit this bridge and stand upon it or walk across it, you will find that a forcefield of calmness surrounds you which can protect you for a set period of time against troublemakers, swarms of worry insects and dark grey worry clouds because this bridge which was built from bricks that contain essence and minerals of peace. Every brick tells a different story about peace, harmony and time and visitors to this bridge can access, jump into and experience a variety of peaceful adventures that will calm and soothe your mind, simply by touching a brick as you walk across it. Bridge of Hope: This bridge leads across the Stream of the Present from Time Watcher City to the Lost Moments Resolution Centre, the Forest of Lost Moments and Time Celebrations Arena. Since the Bridge of Hope itself is built from bricks that contain essence and minerals of hope it can also revive the weary, so if you face sticky muddy or swampy problems, dark cloudy worries or swarms of worry insects it can be a very useful bridge to visit. Every brick that the Bridge of Hope was built from tells a different story about hope and time and so if you touch a brick as you cross it, you can access, jump into and experience any of those hopeful adventures. Bridge of History: If you decide to visit the Bridge of History which crosses over the Stream of the Past, you may notice that it really is a fabulous sight to behold because each brick tells a different story about history and time as it provides lessons from the past. This wonderful bridge made from historical splendor can also be a bridge to many historical adventures because you can access, jump into and experience any one by simply touching a brick as you walk across it. Since this bridge is was built from bricks made from essence and minerals of wisdom it is definitely worth a visit and visitors to the bridge will find that if you stand on it or walk across it, this will increase and restore your levels of wisdom. - Mysteries of Time Loch
- Odd Seconds Snack Shack
- Minute Meal Food Stall
- Market of Speedy Buys
- Zappy Power Zaps Store
Trade-a-Wish Trading Mart (Stocks All Kinds of Wishes That Visitors Can Buy, Trade or Exchange and also stocks cartons of wishmake shake or broken happiness shake): A very unusual and unique store in the realm this one stop wish shop allows you to trade, buy or exchange wishes which can be quite handy for a wishmaker because at times you may be given a wish that you have no use for. Some wishes are given with certain kinds of rules or they be given for a particular purpose and so if you find or are given a wish that you cannot make good use off, you can visit this store to trade or exchange a wish. However, you must bear in mind that many time travelers and even some troublemakers in disguise visit this store and so some wish exchanges with other customers may be quite tricky and some can even be quite risky. Regular special offers in this store often include a free carton of wishmake shake if you buy a wish or trade in something valuable for the kind of wish you want and usually there are also discounts on cartons of broken happiness shake which can be helpful if you wish to help someone stuck in sadness or someone stuck in sticky muddy or swampy problems. - Wavey Clean Hardware Store
- Sunbeam Solutions Store
- Spare Minutes Trade Exchange Stall
- Good Minerals & Essences Trading Stall
- Timely Wares Shopping Mall
- Happy Hopes 'N' Hearts Tool Store (supplies realmtimers with tools made from fresh hopes to repair, replace or restore broken or lost hopes)
- Brave Threads Clothing Store (supplies clothes made from courage threads and bravery material)
- Helpful Times Gadget Store
- Dream Finder & Builder Kiosk (helps people to find their dreams and then to build them)
- Deserve Wish Granting Kiosk (kiosk where wish requests can be made, wish deserving grants are given and wishes can come true for deserving wishmakers that is run by Wonderful Wishy, Sunbright Surelight and Melody Memories (who can grant wishes and heal hearts through songs and musical melodies))
- Swift Switch Costumes & Disguises Store
- Memory Time Wishes Request Centre
- Fast Pranks 'N' Tricks Joke Mart
- Rapid Routes Time Charts and Maps Store
- Hourglass of Bravery
- Lost Bravery Repair & Restore Center
- Sundial of Knowledge
- Broken Happiness Repair Center
- Compass of Destiny
- Hurt Hearts Healing Center
- Watch Guard Towers (North, South, East, West)
- Clever Timely Inventions Laboratory
- Life Contributions Interactive Exhibition Center
- Broken Dreams Repair Center
- Dreamwish Treehouse Village
- Broken Dreams Time Hero Requests Office
- Dreamwish Mystery Island
- Cloud Puffs Dream Travel Tours Launchpad
- Digi Face Recharge & Upgrades Point
- Timeless Faces Beauty Salon
- Secret Entrance to the Happy Memories Data Bank Underground City
- Secret Entrance to Muddy Problems Underground City
- Secret Entrance to Cloudy Worries Underground Town
- Secret Entrance to the Time Toolbox Solutions Underground City
- Solution Requests & Problem Tracker Control Center
- Problem Detection Radar Control Center
- Bots & Robots Help Spot
- Time Fairies Fairground
- Time Fairies Fixer Kiosk
- Clock Menders Workshop
- Revolve Time Portal Doors Store: Near the Maze of the Past, Present and Future and the Rapid Routes Time Charts & Maps Store visitors can find this handy time portal door shop where those who time travel can order their own time portal doors which they can shrink and enlarge when they need to. Since these time portal doors are easy to carry around many time travelers come to this store in order to stock up on additional or emergency entrance or exit points when they wish to take a tricky time travel trip and want to visit a risky time zone or time period.
- Slices of History Fine Timing Diner: Close to the Mountains of Decades in this special fine timing diner, diners can not only sample foods from different time periods and zones but they can also time travel to eat a meal in a particular time zone or period all of which diners can access through the time trip menu. However, visitors must be aware that their time travel trip will only revolve around their meal and any preparation activities that involves and that once they have eaten their meal, they will automatically return to the diner.
- Magic Clock Face Power Points *
- Magic Clock Face Portal Points **
Cloud Puffs Express Cloud Puff Ride Stops (where visitors can board cloud puff wingful minutes, puffy ticky handful second and hearty puff hours express cloud rides which can take you across the Realm of Time or beyond): br> In various locations across the Realm of Time visitors can find useful cloud puff express ride stops where you can hail and board a cloud puff express ride made from either wingful minutes, ticky handful seconds or hearty hours which can take you across the realm or beyond. Visitors should be aware however, if you wish to board a cloud puff ride and want to travel outside the realm then you should plan your journey carefully in advance to ensure that you have enough cloudy seconds, minutes or hours for your trip because cloud puff express rides do run out and as each second, minute and hour goes by their cloudy wisps do dissolve into fresh air. Visitors that wish to travel via cloud puff express rides can find cloud puff express stops close to the following locations: Beside the Woods of Forgotten Close to the Unwanted Minutes Recycling Factory Near the Minute Meal Food Stall A few steps away from the Odd Seconds Snack Shack Not far from the entrance to the Valley of Sad Histories At the bottom of the Floating Adventure Part of Eternity Beside the Market of Speedy Buys and the Hurt Hearts Healing Center Close to the Mysteries of Time Loch Near Dreamwish Treehouse Village Between the Maze of the Past, Present & Future, the Distinct Extinct Creatures Nature Reserve and Time Monitor Heroes Academy Beside the Realm of Time Control Center Next to the Broken Happiness Repair Center Since some stops are close to hard to reach areas and landmarks such as the Mysteries of Time Loch these cloud puff express rides allow visitors to this area to not only visit but also return to any part of the realm more easily. Timetrials Cloud Puffs Sky Obstacle Course Launchpad Stopwatch Sports Stadium (where cloud puffs, clock faces, digi faces and other realmtimers that are aspiring heroes train and compete against each other and against stopwatches to prepare for heroic missions that also hosts the Annual Cloud Puff Rapid Rider Heroes Race to Help Contest and the RealmTime Cloud Puff Heroes Contest (originally this landmark was called Cloud Puff Gladiator Stadium) Cloud Puff Heroic Riders Training Grounds Fast Clock Menders Repairs Workshop Organize Training & Help Center Time Decorations & Celebrations Gift Shop Secret Entrance to the Solutions Underground City Time Fairies Fairground Solution Requests & Problem Tracker Control Center Problem Detection Radar Control Center Bots & Robots Help Spot Time Fairies Fixer Kiosk Digi Pocket Pals Help Center Lifetime Life Coaching Kiosk Hourglass City: where the hourglass time beings live and work - Troublemakers Region:
- The Strange Swamps of Distraction: home to Distraction, swampy problem creator creatures and swampy problem creatures
- Timewasters' Murky Wastelands
- Bunglers' Rowdy City of Mischief
- Slimy Troubles Operations Center
- Trouble Chunk Mines: also home to some horrible hours
- Mischief Makers Junkyard: home to mischief minutes and mischief time beings
- Rotten Trash Hill: home to Rotten Trash Tatters, some rotten trash time beings, rotten trash waster minutes and worry insect swarms
- Bundles of Trouble Store (where buyers can purchase mischief operations, hire mischief makers to cause mischief or buy mischief minutes run by a Time Being Bungler Knotty Mishaps made from mischief minutes)
- Waste of Time Trading Shack (Timewasters for Hire Trading Shack where buyers can hire timewasters, purchase timewasting prank and trick services, purchase wasteful minutes and even scoop some timewasting bargains run by Wacky Waster)
- Swampy Problems Generator (Generates Sticky Muddy and Swampy Problems Which are Either Taken to the Human World, Sent out Across the Realm of Time or Sent to Other Forever After Lands Which is Run by Problemina Swampina)
- Swarm Worry Hives (Generates and Houses Worry Insects Which are Either Taken to the Human World, Sent out Across the Realm of Time or Sent to Other Forever After Lands Run by Problemina Swampina with Assistance from Other Swampers)
- Soggy Worries Cloud Puffer Mills (Soggy Swamp Treelog Mills That Create Grey Worry Clouds Which are Either Taken to the Human World, Sent out Across the Realm of Time or Sent to Other Forever After Lands Run by Problemina Swampina with Assistance from Other Swampers)
- Cowardly Hideout Caves: where cowardly clock faces, cowardly digi faces and cowardly seconds live and hide
- Tricky Gadgets & Pollution Traps Store
- Spooky Spot: Deadtree Woods: where some baddie clock faces, baddie digi faces and horrible hours live and hide
- Mucky Trash Misery Marshes: home to Polly Misery, the misery beings and misery pollution beings and where some trash time beings and some trash waster minutes live
- Misery Sulks Sinking Sands: home to Sulky Sandy and the sulky sand beings and where some misery minutes and some horrible hours live and hide
- Wild Waster Wastelands: home to Wild Waster and where wild, dark clock faces, dark digi clock faces and wild cloud puffs live and hide
- Timetraps Problem Shack: where troublemakers can trade, purchase or exchange problems and have timetrap and other problems made to order by Nasty Swampy Timetraps or Master Slimy Problems
- Secret Entrance: Tunnels of Darkness: underground troublemaker tunnels run by Dodgy Digiface and made by Mischief Time Beings that troublemakers can use to transport troublemaker supplies around the Realm of Time and to perform surprise tunnel dig rescue missions
- Mischief Meals & Rotten Dinners Diner
Main Book Series:
Other Related Books:
Film/Series Pages:
A cinematic film project with five films and at least twenty to thirty potential series projects have been developed from this project.
Time Switch Series:
Each episode will explore characters, landmarks, special activities and time adventures from the Realm of Time and the human world along with Latisha as she travels with Clock Face to become a Time Monitor Hero. An entertaining but valuable life lesson will feature in each segment and there will be a special focus on time issues, history, significant characters from history and time management with an underlying promotion of the PERCK value framework and STEAM. Special season closing episodes may feature and focus upon interactions with characters from other Forever After Lands and their time issues. (initial projection plans more than 150 episodes and over 15 season blocks)
Time Switch Song Collection and Soundtrack Page
Timely Adventure Tour Book Series
Activity Packs Certificate and Badges:Recommended Age Range: Five to Twelve Years
Time Switch Products: (details of availability to be updated at a later date)
Realm of Time Important Landmarks:
**Good (Positive) Cloud Puffs: are made from happy, pleasant, brave, warm or joyful memories/thoughts/emotions (feelings)/dreams and positive cloud puffs include: Happy or Happy Dream Cloud Puffs (Golden), Excitement Cloud Puffs (Yellow), Warm/Friendly/Kind Cloud Puffs (Orange) and Brave Cloud Puffs (Purple) and they perform a variety of tasks in the Realm of Time inclusive of teaming up with heroic cloud puff riders for heroic missions and some provide transportation around the realm via Cloud Puff Express Ride Stops.
**Troublemaker (Dark) Cloud Puffs: Cloud Puffs that are made from bad or sad or angry memories/thoughts/feelings or nightmares and negative cloud puffs include Angry Cloud Puffs (Black), Fear/Alarm/Nightmare Cloud Puffs (Red), Worry/Cowardly Cloud Puffs (Dark Grey) and Sad/Misery/Sulky Cloud Puffs (Blue)
*** Cloud Puffs fall into one of four groups (emotions/thoughts/dreams (or nightmares)/memories/important moments) and come in at least twenty different colors:
Golden = happy, Blue = sorrow, Red = fear/alarm, Yellow = excitement, Grey = worries/doubts, Orange = warmth/kindness/friendly, Purple = bravery, Black = angry/scary, Green = cowardly, White = calm/peaceful, Brown = Toughpuffs, Rainbow or Multi colored = combo cloud puffs
Good or Positive Cloud Puffs can usually be found and often live in places like the Happy Memories Databanks Underground City, Dreamwish Treehouse Village, the Forest of Lost Moments, the Woods of Forgotten or close to the Pond of Hope or the Lake of Dreams.
Dark or Negative Cloud Puffs can usually be found and often live in places like the Soggy Worries Cloud Puffer Mills, the Wild Wastelands, the Misery Sulks Sinking Sands, the Strange Swamps of Distraction, the Valley of Sad Histories and the Cloudy Worries Underground Village but some are kept in the Watch Guard Tower Dark Troublemaker Vaults where Stern Digi Face and the Realm of Time security and patrol guards can watch over those troublemakers until they are ready to change due to their wicked nature and bad deeds.
Cloud Puffs originally come from places like the River of Memories, the Stream of Happy Memories, the Stream of Sad Memories, the Fountain of Special Moments, the Fountain of Happiness, the Fountain of Kindness, the Fountain of Hopeful Wishes, the Stream of the Past, the Stream of the Present and the Brook of the Future where they condense into cloud wisps and then grow into cloud puffs.
Realm of Time Map: