Wishland: Wish Fixers

Wishland: Wish Fixers


The Story:

Summary: Deep in the heart of the Forever After Lands there is a land called Wishland which is powered by good wishes made from human kind hearts where wish granters that work for the Happy Hearts Good Wish Granting Center and the Wishes on Call Wish Granting Center reside and abide but their wish granting isn't always straightforward.  The Deserve Wish Union who work in the Deserve Wish Granting Plant, often dispute and hold up wishes which are then held in a frozen state as they protest that wishes should only be granted to the deserving and earnt and that wishes should definitely not be given to the undeserving at all.  Another issue for the wish granters also comes in the form of Wishwreckers, Wishbreakers and Wishspoilers that also live in Wishland in the troublemaker region who are always plotting to sabotage the wish granters' efforts and they can also grant negative wishes like Hurtful Wishes, Curses and Chaos Wishes which can cause hurt or pain for someone else (on behalf of the curse maker), wreak havoc on people's lives or even turn them into different things temporarily.


Wishland: One Frozen Christmas Wish, Two Wishful Hearts, the Wish Deserve Test and the Goodness Mission

Due to an accident that involves the father and uncle of two human children (who are cousins) which leaves him in a critical medical state and coma, two human children suddenly decide to seek out Wishland because their wish for his recovery has been frozen, held up and has not been given.  Since their wish has been thrown into dispute due to their own past conduct, the leader of the Deserve Wish Granting Union will not release their wish despite all their regrets since they have failed to pass the Deserve Wish Test, so before their wish can be given the two have to embark upon a heroic mission to find enough goodness (kindness, wisdom, courage and honesty) to save humanity because wickedness in the human world is growing at an alarming rate which threatens humanity’s future.  However, the two cousins are only given four young trainee wish granters to assist them, Instawish a playful but cunning instant wish fix wishfairy, Sparky/Sparkywish a baby/young cowardly deserve wish granter wishdragon and Songful Wishy a brave but weak solver wish granter who is a melodywisher as their guides to help them in their quest as they set out to try and pass the Wish Deserve Test test in order to prove that they are truly deserving of their wish so that they can spend Christmas at home with their father.  Written by Zaylee Knowles

Developed From: Time Switch

Book Series:

Special Edition book:

  • A Hopeful Wisher's Backpack Guide to Wishland

Main Book Series:

  • Wishland: One Frozen Wish, Two Hopeful, Wishful Hearts and the Goodness Mission
  • The Broken Christmas Wish


Main Animation Series:

Wish Fixers: (Other working titles: Wish Fixers Friendly Heroes Crew)

Short Summary: Four young trainee wish granters (an instant fix wish granter wishfairy Instawish, a deserve wish granter wishdragon Sparky/Sparkywish and a solver wish granter melodywisher Songful Wishy and a fairy wishbot called Fairy Wishbottom) at the request of Queen Wishheart team up with two human children (two cousins) to become the Wish Fixers who must perform 'I WISH' request wish missions (and the occasional kindness in need wish mission) and make dreams come true.  However, as the six travel to and from the human world and attempt to grant wishes in order to solve, fix and give to those in need as wish request missions show up on their 'I WISH' radars, they must try not to fumble any wish requests, try to handle tricky wishes with wisdom, learn the art of wishful priorities, find heroic wish solutions and wishful compromises, try not to grant any rotten wishes, rescue and repair any broken, lost or forgotten wishes that they find and they must also try to avoid the Wishwreckers, Wishbreakers, Wishspoilers and Wishcrushers (some of whom are virus wish attackers) the troublemakers that can throw a rotten emptywish spanner into their wishful works.  Written by Zaylee Knowles

Synopsis: Once the two children (two cousins) perform their mission successfully, at the request of Queen Wishheart they join the four young trainee wish makers (who at times fumble some wish requests) to form the Wish Fixers crew, who comprise of an instant fix wish granter Instawish, a solver wish granter Songfulwishy and a deserve wish granter Sparky/Sparkywish and Wishy Fairbottom (fairy wishbot) that must work together and respond to ‘I WISH’ request missions.  The six must then travel to and from the human world granting wishes for those in need, rescuing children from bullies, solving problems, fixing mistakes, granting dream wishes to families, helping hurt creatures, finding lost or hurt magical creatures or beings and even helping broken or lost objects as they try to make wishful dreams come true but as they do so, some disputes arise as they face the human world, human realities and very human injustices.

Each of the six in the course of their wishful adventures and heroic wish missions must learn the art of teamwork, endurance, kindness, wisdom, cooperation and compromise together as they respond to the 'I WISH' requests and at times the 'I WISH I HADN'T DONE THAT' words uttered by wish makers and handle the occasional kindness in need wish for those in need all of which show up on their wish granter 'I WISH' radars.  However, as they aim to master wish granting priorities, handle tricky wishes with wisdom, try to find heroic solutions and attempt to make wishful compromises as they fix, solve, repair and give to those in need and rescue any broken, lost or forgotten wishes that they find, they must also try to avoid the Wishspoilers, Wishbreakers and Wishwreckers (troublemakers) who often try to sabotage and throw empty wish spanners into their wishful efforts and try their best not to grant any Rotten Wishes.  Written by Zaylee Knowles

Instawish: a cunning but playful young trainee instant wish fixer wish granter that often trades and exchanges human items for wishes (like babyteeth that fall out)

Songful Wishy: an out of tune, forgetful brave but weak young trainee melodywisher solver wish granter that sometimes gets the wishnotes and wishsong words wrong

Sparky/Sparkywish: a cowardly baby/young trainee deserve wish granter wishdragon whose wishpuffs and wishsparks sometimes wishfizzle out way too quickly

Fairy Wishbottom: a fairy wishbot that sometimes accidentally deletes the wrong files and erases wishes and who struggles at times with virus wish attackers that try to sabotage bot wishes


Important Happy Wishland Landmarks:

Happy Good Wish Granter's Territory:

  • Fairtytale Wish Palace: Where King and Queen Wishheart live who rule over Wishland (origins: human/wishfairy)

  • Wish Appeals Centre: Where wishes that are in dispute are disputed

  • Happy Hearts Good Wish Granting Centre: Where busy Happy Good Wish Granters fulfil free wish requests which is a popular form of wish granting with kindhearts, wishdragons, melodywishers and good wishelves, wishpixies, wishsprites or wishleprechauns

  • Wishes on Call Support Centre: Where wish requests arrive, which are then sent to either the Happy Hearts Good Wish Granting Centre or held in dispute by the Deserve Wish Granting Union
  • Instant Wish Fixers Control Center: Where wish granters work that fix problems but some of these wish granters are also wish exchangers
  • Problem Wish Solvers Workshop: Where wish granters and undo fairies work that specialize in 'I WISH' solutions and 'I WISH I HADN'T DONE THAT' correction wishes work
  • Feelings Fairies Heartbank: Where feelings fairies work that help fix and repair broken feelings by granting feelings wishes 
  • Wise Wishes Advice Kiosk: run by a group of wise wish granters that provide wise advice to wish granters about the granting of tricky wishes
  • Too Late Wish Resolution Centre: Where wishes that were in dispute for too long or that arrive too late live where at times an alternative wish is sought out and then given to the wish maker
  • Broken Hearts Wish Healing Centre: Where comfort wish granter nurses, nurse the broken hearts of wish makers that were not given a wish request on time or at all and seek out alternative comfort wishes to be given to broken hearts
  • Deserve Wish Granting Centre: Where some wishes are given to deserving wish granters or held into dispute when it is felt that the wish maker is not deserving of a wish
  • Deserve Wish Granting Union: Union that lobbies for all wishes to be given only to those that deserve them (That run the Wisher Forgiveness Repair Centre)
  • Wisher Forgiveness Repair Centre: Where forgiveness and redemption can be given to a wish maker and their wish given by the Deserve Wish Granting Union, if that wish maker changes, are proven to be worthy of their wish or have earnt their wish
  • Wish Exchange Trading Mart: Where wishexchangers work that grant wishes in exchange and trade wishes for items or things that they wish to possess which is popular form of wishgranting with wishfairies (like babyteeth that fall out etc.) and wishpixies but not as popular with wishdragons, wishelves or kindhearts
  • Frozen Wish Ice Caves: Where wishes are held in a frozen state due to Deserve Wish disputes
  • Broken Wishes Repair Centre: Where broken wishes live that were given but then rejected by the wish maker
  • Wishheart City: Where the Wishheart natives of Wishland live that are human/wishfairy
  • Wishdragon Caves: Where wishdragons live that make the wishsparks and flames for birthday candle wishes
  • Wishgenie Caves: Where wishgenies live that visit the human world from time to time and often occupy antiques or treasures (like lamps) where they grant wishes to those who find and rub them in threes
  • Kindness in Need Wishheart Centre: Where kindness wishes are given to those who are kind and in need even when they are not made and kindheart wishgranters often visit the human world to find and help those that need their assistance
  • Hero Wishheart Rescue Centre: Where some wishheart, wishdragon, wishfairies and melodywisher heroes attend to urgent wish requests which they receive or seek out in the human world that need to be given to save human lives or broken human hearts
  • Wish Granter Training Center: Where wishgranters are given training to grant wishes wisely and where they choose which kind of wishes they wish to specialize in and grant to wish makers
  • Goodness Wish Town: Where the good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies live that travel to and from the human world to either grant wishes to those in need to help human beings, to deliver supplies of goodness, to collect teeth from under pillows (wishfairies) or to deliver pots of gold/wealth (wishleprechauns)
  • Kindness Wishheart Centre: Where wishes are given to those are kind and in need even when they are not made and kindheart wish granters often visit the human world to find those that need their assistance
  • Hero Wishheart Rescue Centre: Where some wishheart, wishdragon, wishfairies, melodywisher heroes and wishbots attend to urgent wish requests which they receive or seek out in the human world that need to be given to save human lives or broken human hearts
  • Goodness Packaging Plant: Where sacks of kindness, wisdom and courage are combined to make goodness by good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies and then sent out into humanity
  • Kindness Generation Plant: Where sacks of kindness are made by good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies and then sent out into humanity or given to the Goodness Package Plant
  • Wisdom Generation Plant: Where sacks of wisdom are made by good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies and then sent out into humanity or given to the Goodness Package Plant
  • Courage Generation Plant: Where sacks of courage are made by good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies and then sent out into humanity or given to the Goodness Package Plant
  • Woods of Goodness: Where goodness seeds, plants and trees live that are scattered through the human world by the good wishfairies, wishleprechauns, wishelves, wishsprites and wishpixies
  • Kindness Forest: Where kindness seeds, plants and trees live that are scattered through the human world by the wishheart wish granters
  • Wishing Well of Hope: Where special wish requests from those with broken hopes are sent to be given as well as healing water drops of fresh hope and this is the place where all the wishing well wishes in the human world come to once made
  • Forgotten Wishes Treehouse Village: Where forgotten wishes live until they are remembered or given to someone else in need
  • Forgotten Wishes Alert Centre: Where forgotten wish reminders are sent out to wish makers before they are sent to the recycling unit
  • Forgotten Wish Recycling Unit: Where forgotten wishes are sent and then given to someone else in need
  • Serene Wishmelody Wisher Village: Where wishes and wishmelodies are made and given life by Serene Wishmelody Wishers who are magical musical beings
  • Lake Splashy Wishy: Where wishes are drawn and given life by wish catchers before being sent to Bubble Wishy Town to live and grow
  • Bubble Wishy Town: Where the Bubble Wishywish beings live that are wishes made from watery, squidgy bubble mass that once caught and fully grown are then sent into out the human world and when caught can grant the catcher a wish
  • Rainbow Sunbeam Treehouse Village: Home to the Rainbow Sunbeam Wishywishes where wish rainbow sunbeams live and grow once caught which are then given to good wishfairies and kindheart wish granters once fully grown to be sent out to the human world when caught can grant the catcher a wish
  • Rainbow Sunbeam Treetop Platforms: Where rainbow sunbeam wishes are caught and given life by wish catchers before being sent to Rainbow Sunbeam Treehouse Village to live and grow
  • Dandelion Puff Central: Where wishseeds that are fully grown launch from into the human world when they have wishpuffs which enable them to fly, land and to find dandelions
  • Wishsparks Central: Where birthday sparkwishes are put in birthday candles and sent out to the human world where they live in birthday candles until active
  • Starry Central: Where wishingstars are given a place in the skies or route if shooting/falling wishingstars and then sent out to live in their space where they either remain or fall from
  • Wishy Village: Where wish stars, dandelion seeds and birthday candle spark flames live and grow before being sent into the human world
  • Wishcreatures Sanctuary: Broken creatures that are rescued from the human world once healed, these animals can speak and grant wishes and the Wishcreatures Sanctuary is run by a wise Wish Unicorn
  • Magical Wishcreature Safari Park: Where magical creatures live that grant wishes such as wishunicorns
  • Santa’s Naughty or Nice Databank Records Help Centre: Where elf radars and trackers track and capture all the naughty and nice footage of those that Santa plans to give gifts to, so that Santa can make wise decisions each Christmas.
  • Santa’s Christmas Wishes Elf Training Centre
  • Wishful Pastures: Where wish unicorns and other magical grazing wish creatures live
  • Living Wishbones Walkway: A golden winding path that leads through parts of wishland that has living wishbones above it that are waiting for their wishes and wish battles to happen
  • WishBony Battle Match Arena: Where the two sides of each wishbone engage in tug wrestling matches and various other physical face offs and challenges to try and win the right to grant a wish and be Long Wishybones
  • Champion Wishes Support Center: Where Long Wishybones and those who win the wish head to and those who lose (Short Bones) retire to the Wishbone Resthome
  • Wishbone Resthome: Where wishbones that lose wish granting matches live (Short Bones) if they lose wishes or if they win the wish (Long Wishy Bones) and once they have given the wishgranter enough wishbone champion wish support
  • Corn Wish Fertilizer Factory: Where wishbone corn essence fertilizer is made that is spread out in the human world to provide wishbone wishes
  • Wishbots Skyscraper Mainframe: where all the wishbots and some fairybots live that grant wishes through technology
  • Life Coaching Wish Support Center: where all the wishbots and fairybots work that provide support to those given wishes so they don't squander their wishes (also go on strike if they feel that ungrateful and unappreciative people are given too many wishes)


Wishwreckers' Region: where the troublemakers of Wishland live and operate

  • Break-a-Wish Wish Spoiler's Fortress (leader of the wishbreakers, wishwreckers and wishspoilers)
  • Wishspoilers Shanty Town: Where troublemakers live like bad wishhearts, wishpixies, wishelves, wishsprites, wishleprechauns, magical wishcreatures and wishcreatures
  • Wicked Wishbreaker Town: Where anti-wish troublemakers live like wishhearts, wishpixies, wishelves, wishsprites, wishleprechauns, magical wishcreatures and wishcreatures
  • Curse Granting Shack
  • Troublemaker Break-a-Wish Operations Control Center
  • Hurtful Wish Spite Operations Site
  • Wild Wishwrecker Village: Where the very rebellious troublemakers live like wishhearts, wishpixies, wishelves, wishsprites, wishleprechauns, magical wishcreatures and wishcreatures that usually cause mischief and chaos
  • Wrecker Wishdragon Rocky Volcanoes: Where wishdragons live that cause trouble and wreak havoc
  • Troublemaker Bubble Wishy Ice Pools: Where the troublemaker bubbly wishywishes live that cause mayhem
  • Wicked Forest: Where wickedness is grown and wicked seeds, plants and trees live that are then scattered through the human world to cause trouble home to troublemaker wishpixies
  • Troublesome Woods: Where trouble is grown and troublemaker seeds, plants and trees live that are then scattered through the human world to cause trouble home to troublemaker wishleprechauns
  • Rotten Wishes Town: Where any wishstars, wishseeds, wishmelodies, rainbow wishsunbeams (wishstormbursts) live that are troublemakers
  • Darkbots Vortex: Where dark wishbots and dark fairybots live that ruin wishes



  • Wishhearts: Human/Wishfairy beings that can grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects

  • Wishfairies: Magical beings that can grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects  can be mischievous

  • Wishleprechauns: Magical beings that can grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects that often deliver pots of gold/wealth

  • Wishpixies: Magical beings that can grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects can be mischievous
  • Wishelves: Magical beings that can grant very practical wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects can be mischievous
  • Wishsprites: Magical beings that can grant very practical wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects can be mischievous
  • Melodywishers: Magical beings that make wish melodies and wishes from music that can grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects
  • Wishdragons: Dragons that create and make birthday candle wishspark flames
  • Wishgenies: Magical beings that occupy human antiques or treasures (like lamps) that grant wishes in threes when items are found and rubbed
  • Bubbly Wishywishes: Wish bubble beings that are made from a squidgy watery mass that are caught by wish catchers in Lake Splashy Wishy that then live in Bubble Wishy Town until they are fully grown and then taken to the human world
  • Rainbow Wishsunbeams: Wish rainbow sunbeam beings that are caught by wish catchers and that live in Rainbow Sunbeam Treehouse Village until they are fully grown and then sent out into the skies
  • Wishmelodies: Wish melody beings are made from musical notes and can speak in any tongue
  • Wishseeds: Wish dandelion seed beings that are found in the Woods of Goodness
  • Wishsparks: Wish flame sparks are beings that are created by wishdragons
  • Wishingstars: Wish beings that are baby stars before they are put in the sky
  • Wishercreatures: Rescued from the human world these animals can speak in any tongue and are given wish granting powers that allow them to grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects
  • Magical Wishcreatures: Magical creatures that can speak in any tongue that travel to and from the human world to grant wishes to humans, animals, magical beings or objects


  • Wishbones: Magical bones that can grant wishes to the winner of a wishbone tug contest



  • Fairybots:

Written by Zaylee Knowles and developed from Time Switch in places (like the wishes exchange trading mart which comes from the spare minutes trading in Time Switch and the concept of the wishes in exchange for babyteeth that have fallen out, the Deserve Wish Granting Union from the Deserve Wish Granting Kiosk and Melodywishers which comes from Melody Memories)

**All children's projects will adhere to the I PERCK Framework developed under the Creative Life Sparks Brand which will promote the core values of Inclusion, Participation, Empathy, Respect, Compassion and Kindness, support Social Emotional Learning and the frameworks of PSB and STEAM will also be woven in or applied where possible and suitable and every project will teach valuable life and social lessons.