Dreamland: Dream Guards Warrior Crew


The Story:

Summary:  Deep in the heart of the Forever After Lands there is a land called Dreamland where Dreammakers that work for the department of Joyful Dreams reside and abide where they work in the Pleasant Dreams Generation Plant which they deliver to human beings and the nation is powered by these pleasant, kind and positive human dreams as they are dreamt out by humanity.  In the lower region of Dreamland however, there is another region where the nightmares, nightmare monsters and dark nightcrawlers live and wreak havoc as they tussle with the duvets of gentle slumber which is quite close to the Dreammakers peaceful pillowcase.  So quite often the Dreammakers, some of whom are dream guard warriors, must fight to keep control of the happy dreams that they create and also ensure that they can deliver those pleasant dreams to those deep in slumber before the troublemakers like nightmares, nightmare monsters and nightcrawlers snatch, destroy, steal, sabotage or replace those dreams with nightmares.  Written by Zaylee Knowles


Developed From: Shadowlands

Still to be finalized:

Book Series

Special edition book: to be finalized

Main Series book:

Dreamland: Dream Warriors and Nightmare Terrors

Main Animation Series:

Dream Guards Warrior Crew

Each night a crew of dreammakers who are also dream guard warriors are sent out into the human world via children’s dreams to rescue children’s dreams from nightmare monsters but one night three dream warriors, whilst on their travels, manage to find a human boy that seems to be fighting the nightmare monsters in another child’s dream.  Due to his bravery and courage, the dream guards invite him to be part of their crew and as they travel back and forth, the four embark upon many heroic dream adventures together.  Written by Zaylee Knowles

**All children's projects will adhere to the I PERCK Framework developed under the Creative Life Sparks Brand which will promote the core values of Inclusion, Participation, Empathy, Respect, Compassion and Kindness, support Social Emotional Learning and the frameworks of PSB and STEAM will also be woven in or applied where possible and suitable and every project will teach valuable life and social lessons.