The Death Tests

The Story

Three scientists discover a way to track down and trap Death and the formula for H.A.T.E and so as they start to try and harness those two forces, each one unleashes their respective power which they use to wreak havoc and create chaos around them.  Throughout their initial experiments, they have involved a group of research participants but due to the massive affects of Death and the impact that the strain of hate has upon its recipients, they rapidly observe that the participants begin to slaughter each other very ruthlessly.  Due to the success of the initial Death tests they then start explore whether or not they can take their research a step further and progress to further experimentation on various population groups in order to establish if and how these powerful forces can be utilized effectively as a mass weapon but Death is particularly keen on being a servant to humanity whims and so the scientists and their families then become Death's target.  Written by Jill Thrussell