Time Switch Song Collection & Soundtrack Songs

Time Switch Song Collection List: Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell (aka Zaylee Knowles penname)  

Song collection includes: soundtrack songs, sing along songs & dance & movement songs

Song with vocals and music:

Main Song Collection List:

To be finalized and updated:

  • Savor Every Moment (Melody Memories' song) (complete)
  • The Sands of Time Slip Away So Fast (Joyful Days Band and the Happy Hours Group)
  • Waiting for Tomorrow to Visit Me (Latisha's song)
  • When Time Disappears (Meddling Mischief's song)
  • When Today Becomes Yesterday/History (Latisha's song)
  • Try to Catch a Special Moment (Special Specialment's song)
  • Forgotten Times (Memoria Historia's song)
  • Let's Make Some Happy Memory Treasures  Melody Memories' song
  • Seconds Full of Wishes (Wonderful Wishy's song with the Happy Hours Group)
  • When Happiness Visits Your Heart (Happy Hours Group and the Joyful Days Band)
  • When I Spend a Brave Moment with You/Brave Moments Can Be So Rare (Latisha and Hero Finder Clock Face's Song)
  • The Mysteries of Time (Mystical Mystery's Song)
  • Time Doesn't Wait (The Time Wanderers Band)
  • Times of Courage (Glorysands Braveglass, the Happy Hours Group and the Joyful Days Band)
  • The Moments in My Heart (Latisha's song)
  • Good Wishes Live Longer in Kind Hearts (Good Wishes Duo: Melody Memories and Wonderful Wishy)
  • If You Can Find Your Dreams (Deep Dreamster's song) (complete)
  • All the Wishes You Deserve (Good Wishes: Wonderful Wishy and Melody Memories' song)
  • Rescuing Hurt Hearts (Knowmore Healmore's song with Sunbright Surelight and/or Wavey Waterworks)
  • Solve & Resolve Anthem: We Solve & Resolve/We Make Muddy Problems Disappear (Solve & Resolve Problem Fixers Group Helpful Shopful Plenty, Codey Tekkie, Fastfix Blasttricks, Zappy Power Packer, Oiler Engineer, Wavey Waterworks and Wonderful Wishy)
  • A Sunbeam of Joy Can Chase Your Cloudy Worries Away (Sunbright Surelight's song)
  • Wishes Full of Happy Tomorrows (Wonderful Wishy's song)
  • Fixing Broken Dreams (Deep Dreamster and Hopeful Splashy Dippy's song)
  • When Trouble Appears (Stern Face, Waste Not Want Not, Minute Morsels, Chatty Snacky, Zappy Power Packer and Wavey Waterworks)
  • Waste Not Recycle Lots (Waste Not Want Not and Precious Second's song)
  • Turning Trouble into Muddy Puddles (Wavey Waterworks' song)
  • Precious Seconds Full of Happy Memories (Glorious Seconds Group: Precious Seconds and Waste Not Want Not)
  • We Fix Broken Times (Solve & Resolve Fixers: Helpful Shopful Plenty, Codey Tekkie, Fastfix Blasttricks, Zappy Power Packer, Wonderful Wishy, Wavey Waterworks and Oiler Engineer)
  • The Hero That You Can Be/Become (Hero Finder & the Timely Heroes Band: Hero Finder and some other heroes) (When You Try to Be the Hero That You Can Be)
  • Transform the Trouble (Waste Not Want Not, Stern Face and Clever Inventor's song)
  • If You Track the Truth (Mystical Mystery and Swifty Switchy's song)
  • Flash Zap the Trash (Clever Inventor and Waste Not Want Not's Song)
  • Sneaking Up on Trouble (Swifty Switchy's song)
  • When You Put on a Wise Disguise (Swifty Switchy and Mystical Mystery's song)
  • Maybe Someone Somewhere (Forgotten Memory) (Latisha and Unforgettable Wispwood)
  • On the Horizon of Your Dreams (Deep Dreamster's song) (children's version of song)
  • When Happiness Wins
  • Sometimes You Got to Fight Sadness/When Sadness Comes to Stay
  • Don't Fall into the Sulky Sinking Sands/Don't Fall into Misery
  • Sticky Muddy Puddles of Bad Luck
  • Goal of My Day/Putting Problems in Your Way (Problemina Swampina)
  • Breakthrough (Hero Finder Clock Face's song with Latisha)
  • When You Find a Good Friend on Who You Can Depend (Latisha's song with Hero Finder Clock Face)
  • Building Your Life with the Bricks of Experience/Building with Your Life Experience Bricks of Wisdom (Memoria Historia and Melody Memories)

Dance and Movement Activity Songs:

    • Chatty Snacky's Odd Seconds Snappy Snacky (song and dance)
    • Soiley Seconds' Cowardly Seconds Creep Chase Race (song and dance)
    • Stern Face's High and Low Troublemaker Hunt (song and dance)
    • Never Late Clock Face's Tick Tock Clock Lock Bop (song and dance)
    • Wonderful Wishy's Wriggle and Wishmake Shake (song and dance) 
    • Deep Dreamster's Dreamy Dive Splash and Swim Flurry (song and dance)
    • Hopeful Tomohope's Hoppy Dream Planting Dig Jig (song and dance)
    • Oiler Engineer's Wheels of Time Slippery Slide, Spin and Swing (song and dance)
    • Fastfix Blasttricks' Energy Zap Bursts Boogie (song and dance)
    • Hopeful Splashy Dippy's Tools of Hopeful Happiness Find and Slide (song and dance)
    • Clever Inventor's Find the Discovery List Clever Steps (song and dance)
    • Codey Tekkie's Happy Memories Build and Repair Shuffle (song and dance)
    • Swifty Shifty's Criss Cross Minutes Line Dance (song and dance)
    • Zappy Power Packer's Power Spurts Strut (song and dance)
    • Wavey Waterworks Watery Splash Dance (song and dance)

Songwriter & Lyricist:  Jill Thrussell


Let's Make Some Happy Memory Treasures (pending finalization)

Each new day brings a new chance,
For your life to begin again,
And any sadness can come to an end,
Once you make joy your best friend,
Then you can fill up your life, 
With special happy moments easily,
Because joy is something, 
That anyone can feel or see.

Because you can draw a new happy memory,
Inside your heart,
Then you can make that memory come alive,
With a bit of effort.

So let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to keep,
Then joy will chase away any sadness, 
That we don't want to save or keep,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to enjoy,
And let joy bring healing to any sad hurts,
That cause us pain and have no gain,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
So our hearts can sing in happiness,
And any hurts and sadness will flee,
Because joy can chase hurts away, very easily.

Each yesterday is a history,
That you can enjoy as you wish,
Because when you dig into your mind,
Yesterday's treasures are easy to find,
And each day there's new memory treasures,
In the hours that you are around,
Just waiting to be made and found,
That want to spend time with you around.

Because you can feel create a new happy memory,
With smiles in your heart,
Then you can make that memory come true,
With a bit of effort.

So let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to keep,
Then joy will chase away any sadness, 
That we don't want to save or keep,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to enjoy,
And let joy bring healing to any sad hurts,
That cause us pain and have no gain,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
So our hearts can sing in happiness,
And any hurts and sadness will flee,
Because joy can chase hurts away, very easily.

Each tomorrow is a new chance,
To plan what new treasures you can make,
Because our happy memories,
Are our heart's keepsakes,
So let's make some happy memory treasures,
Full of our laughter and smiles,
Joys that can travel inside our hearts,
And keep us happy for miles and miles.

Because you can dream a new happy memory,
In your mind and heart,
Then you can make that memory exist,
With a bit of effort.

So let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to keep,
Then joy will chase away any sadness, 
That we don't want to save or keep,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
Some treasures for our hearts to enjoy,
And let joy bring healing to any sad hurts,
That cause us pain and have no gain,
Let's make some happy memory treasures,
So our hearts can sing in happiness,
And any hurts and sadness will flee,
Because joy can chase hurts away, very easily.

Some memory treasures are friendly and warm,
So you can keep those for long,
Some memory treasures are brave and strong,
So your triumphs will never be forgotten,
Some memory treasures are full of kindness
So they can lift up your heart,
Some memory treasures are full of happiness,
So you can remember every happy part,
Some memory treasures are sad and blue,
But those can still be valuable to you,
And though some memories may contain pain,
You can use those to protect and drive you,
So keep all your memory treasures safe,
So that joy can always stay close to you.

Each hour of the day offers your heart,
A chance to change the future from the past,
So let's make some happy memory treasures,
That we can keep in our hearts that will last,
Because joy is only a happy memory treasure away,
And we can make new memory treasures,
For our hearts to enjoy,
With the dawning of every new day.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell  @ 2021 All Rights Reserved

Building Your Life with the Bricks of Experience/Wisdom (pending finalization)

When we look back at the past,
There's always a lesson to learn,
Because we can collect wisdom,
From the bricks of experience,
Some may be made from tough times,
Or some made from happiness,
But if we don't learn from yesterday,
Our minds won't grow to be strong (for long) in goodness.

So try to collect the bricks of wisdom, 
From each experience and every yesterday,
So that you learn the wisdom they contain,
Then you can tidy them away for another day.

When you build your life, 
With the bricks of experience,
Wisdom will become,
A much closer friend,
When you build your life,
With the bricks of experience, 
Some days might clash,
And other days run away fast,
But wisdom will teach you,
The lessons you can learn from yesterday.

When we walk through today, 
There's always experiences to learn from,
Because we can collect wisdom,
From the bricks of experience,
Some may be made from healing care,
And others made from sadness,
But if we don't learn from today,
Our hearts won't stand strong (for long) in happiness.

So try to collect the bricks of wisdom, 
From each experience and every today,
So that you learn the wisdom they contain,
Then you can tidy them away for another day.

When you build your life, 
With the bricks of experience,
Wisdom will become,
A much closer friend,
When you build your life,
With the bricks of experience, 
Some days might clash,
And other days run away fast,
But wisdom will teach you,
The lessons you can learn from yesterday.

When we look forward to tomorrow,
We can create wiser plans,
Because we have so much wisdom,
From the bricks of experience,
Some may be able to guide us now,
Or some may help another day,
But if we don't learn from our lives,
Our minds can be easily lead astray.

So try to collect the bricks of wisdom, 
From each experience for every new day,
So your lifetime house grows stronger in every way,
Then you can tidy them away for another day.

When you collect enough bricks of wisdom,
Then you will be able to build,
Your lifetime house to be so tall,
Because the bricks of wise experience,
Will stand up beside you and won't fall,
And every day will bring, 
Some new bricks of wisdom,
That can grow with you,
And with those wise blocks, 
You can build each day anew.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2024 All Rights Reserved



Breakthrough Lyrics Excerpt:

When life gets tough,
You can break through,
And when trouble attacks you,
You can still fix your life
Just reach inside of you,
And believe in what you can do.
When you need to breakthrough,
Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough,
Just believe, perceive,
Conceive and achieve,
Then you can break down, 
Any barriers,
That are blocking you, 
Because you can breakthrough,
Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough.

When people defeat you,
Don't let your heart break,
Because of their cruel mistakes,
Because there is only one you,
So just reach inside of you,
And believe in what you can do.

So don’t ever give up,
Because you can breakthrough,
Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough,
When you give life, 
All that you can do,
And don’t ever let defeat break you,
Or life snap and break you,
Because you can breakthrough,
Breakthrough, breakthrough,
When you start to trust, 
And believe in you.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2024 All Rights Reserved



On the Horizon of Your Dreams (Deep Dreamster's song) 

In life you might find some things tough,
And that some days can be so rough,
But deep down inside you,
There lives a hope that's true,
Because on the horizon of your dreams,
Life can be more than what it seems,
So just try to reach for joyfulness,
And your wishes might bring you some happiness.

Because on the horizon of your dreams,
You can repair any broken defeats,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can fix any problems that you meet.

On the horizon of your dreams,
Nothing can ever defeat you,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
All your wishes can come true,
On the horizon of your dreams,
You can defeat any enemy,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can win the battles of life truly.

In life you might make some mistakes,
And you may suffer some heartache,
But deep down inside you,
There lives a dream that's true,
Because on the horizon of your dreams,
Life can give more to your heart and you,
So just try to reach for that horizon,
Because your wishes will always welcome you.

Because on the horizon of your dreams,
You can repair any broken defeats,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can fix any problems that you meet.

On the horizon of your dreams,
Nothing can ever defeat you,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
All your wishes can come true,
On the horizon of your dreams,
You can defeat any enemy,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can win the battles of life truly.

In life you might meet some problems,
That can be hard to overcome,
But deep down inside you,
There lives a dream that's true,
Because on the horizon of your dreams,
Life's battles can be fought and won,
So just try to reach for bravery,
Because your courage can turn a problem into a solution.

Defeat in life, 
Is really just the sigh, 
Of a hard day,
So don't give up on life,
If things don't go your way,
Because you can always try,
To reach the horizon of your dreams, 
Another way,
So don't let any sad thoughts,
Lead you astray,
Because on the horizon of your dreams,
Your wishes will never run away,
So just reach for the horizon,
Of tomorrow's new day.

Because on the horizon of your dreams,
You can repair any broken defeats,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can fix any problems that you meet.

Final Extended Chorus/Outro
On the horizon of your dreams,
Nothing can ever defeat you,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
All your wishes can come true,
On the horizon of your dreams,
You can defeat any enemy,
And on the horizon of your dreams,
You can win the battles of life truly,
Because on the horizon of your dreams,
Joy and happiness wait for you,
So if life crushes your heart,
And joy seems to be far away,
Just try to reach for, 
Your wishes, hopes and dreams,
That live on the horizon,
Of tomorrow's brand new day.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


The Hero You Can Be/The Hero You Can Become (Hero Finder Clock Face & the Timely Heroes Band's song) 

When each new day wakes up,
And greets your heart,
There's a hero inside of you,
Just waiting to make a brand new start,
And the hero that lives in your heart,
Just can't wait to show you,
All the brave things around you,
That your courage can really do.

Your courage can climb up any mountain,
And your courage can dig through any dirt mound,
Your courage can offer someone an arm of friendship,
And your courage can lift up any heavy rocks around.

Because the hero you can be,
Lives just a minute away,
And the hero you can be,
Won't run away from today,
So if life brings (gives) you problems,
Don't retreat in fear,
Because the hero you can be,
That lives inside your heart,
Can rescue you easily,
From any problems that are (come) near.

When each new night arrives,
And darkness chases away today,
There's a hero inside of you,
Just waiting for the start of each new day,
And the hero that lives in your heart,
Just can't wait to show you,
All the caring things around you, 
That your brave mind can really do.

Your mind can think a kind thought,
And your mind can plan actions of kindness,
Your mind can offer someone some joyful words, 
And your mind can love yourself and happiness.

Because the hero you can be,
Lives just a minute away,
And the hero you can be,
Won't run away from today,
So if life brings (gives) you problems,
Don't retreat in fear,
Because the hero you can be,
That lives inside your heart,
Can rescue you easily,
From any problems that are (come) near.

When each new tomorrow comes alive,
It brings new hopes that can thrive,
Because there's a hero inside of you,
Just waiting for each new day to arrive,
And the hero that lives in your heart,
Just can't wait to show you,
All the kind things around you, 
That your brave heart can really do.

Your heart can lend a helping hand,
And your heart can perform an act of kindness,
Your heart can offer a hug to someone in pain,
And your heart can live in joy and happiness.

Final Extended Chorus
Because the hero you can be,
Lives just a minute away,
And the hero you can become,
Will never hide from today,
So if any worries or problems,
Start to bog you down,
Just look for the hero inside your heart,
Because you're a hero that's always around,
And the hero that lives in your mind,
Is so easy for you to find,
Because every second of each day,
That hero lives inside your heart,
Just waiting for you to be,
The hero that you can really be today.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2023 All Rights Reserved


Maybe Someone Somewhere/Forgotten Memory (Latisha's song with Unforgettable Wispwood) (pending finalization)

Sometimes we might feel forgotten,
Because of a sad memory,
And sometimes we can forget about,
The happy memories, 
We can collect daily,
So our hearts and our forgotten memories,
Might wander around alone,
Because we can't find any happy mindful home.

But each memory that lives in our minds,
Makes us who we are today,
And so we shouldn't forget any yesterdays,
That visit our hearts along life's way.

Maybe someone somewhere cares about me,
And will remember me, 
In the middle of a forgotten memory,
Maybe someone somewhere is waiting for me,
And wants to make some special,
New happy memories with me,
Maybe someone somewhere cares about my heart,
And will remember me,
In the heart of a forgotten lonely memory,
And maybe someone somewhere wants to show me,
How happy life can be,
When you fill each day with happy memories.

Every day a new happy memory, 
Is something that our hearts can make,
With a sprinkle of joy,
Or a dash of kindness every daybreak,
And our happy memories, 
Can grow to be stronger,
Because when they live inside our minds, 
We can always remember those happy times.

Because each memory that lives in our minds,
Can teach us new lessons about today,
And so we should never forget any yesterdays,
That visit our minds along life's way.

Maybe someone somewhere cares about me,
And will remember me, 
In the middle of a forgotten memory,
Maybe someone somewhere is waiting for me,
And wants to make some special,
New happy memories with me,
Maybe someone somewhere cares about my heart,
And will remember me,
In the heart of a forgotten lonely memory,
And maybe someone somewhere wants to show me,
How happy life can be,
When you fill each day with happy memories.

Sometimes a sad memory can feel,
Like such a heavy weight,
But sometimes that sadness,
Is a mistake that we had to make,
So that life's sunshine can give us,
A brand new sparkling day,
And so that some new joys,
Can wash our hearts and that sad pain away.

Because each memory that lives in our hearts,
Can make our hearts wiser today,
So we should never forget any yesterdays, 
That visit our hearts to make us stronger today.

Final Chorus
Somewhere someone cares about me,
And remembers me, 
In the heart of a forgotten memory,
Somewhere someone is waiting for me,
And wants to make some new special,
Happy memories with me,
Somewhere someone cares about my heart,
That has a gift of joy, 
They're waiting for me to unwrap,
Somewhere someone cares about me,
And together we'll make some happy memories,
To replace any sadness, 
From yesterday's forgotten memories.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell  @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


Waiting for Tomorrow to Visit Me (Latisha's song night scene in bedroom) (pending finalization)

Somewhere out there, 
In this big world, 
Sits tomorrow's new day,
Just waiting so patiently, 
To come along my way,
But when it comes along,
It might come with a whirl,
And so I have to be ready to enjoy it all.

I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And hoping that it will be, 
As great as it can be,
I'm just waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And hoping that I'll be, 
All that I can be,
I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And wishing that it will bring, 
Some joy to see me,
So I'm waiting for tomorrow 
So patiently,
To visit my life, 
And be all that it can be.

Each brand new day,
That visits my life and heart,
Is a new chance to make, 
A fresh happy day,
And a chance to make life, 
A happy place,
Because when tomorrow's joys visit me, 
A smile will find face and my heart will sing in harmony.

I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And hoping that it will be, 
As great as it can be,
I'm just waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And hoping that I'll be, 
All that I can be,
I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And wishing that it will bring, 
Some joy to see me,
So I'm waiting for tomorrow 
So patiently,
To visit my life, 
And be all that it can be.

Every tomorrow is full of,
My wishes, hopes and dreams,
So tomorrow can bring,
Many joys to my heart,
But how much joy it will bring,
Is a wish inside my heart waiting to start,
But when each today is taken away,
Then a new tomorrow can give my heart a new today.

Final Extended Chorus
So I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit my heart,
And hoping that it'll be, 
As great as it can be,
I'm just waiting for tomorrow to visit me,
And hoping that I'll be, 
All that I can be,
I'm waiting for tomorrow to visit my life,
And wishing that it'll bring some joy, 
To visit me that lights my heart, 
And the dark quiet night,
So I'm waiting for tomorrow, 
So patiently,
To visit me and make a new day's start,
And to bring my dreams into reality.

Each new tomorrow,
Can bring bundles of joy,
To my life and heart,
Because each new tomorrow,
Is a fresh place to start,
And a chance to correct,
The mistakes of yesterday,
So each tomorrow can be great when it becomes today.

Outro (bedroom night scene)
So goodbye my friend today, (yawns at window)
I know you can no longer stay and play,
And that soon you'll just be another yesterday, 
Living in my memory,
Because a new tomorrow is coming to visit me, (walks towards bed and lies down) 
And since the Sun has fallen from the sky now, (glances at window) 
I know that tomorrow's already on his way. (yawns, snuggles up and closes eyes)

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


If You Can Find Your Dreams

When each dream starts off in your heart,
It's just a tiny drop of hope,
Until your wishes make a start,
Then your dreams might grow,
Into what they can become,
So if you can find your dreams,
And hold the growing hopes in your heart,
Then those dreams will never part or fall apart.

So if you can find your dreams,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Because each growing dream, 
You must plant and grow, reap and sow,
And if you can find your dreams,
Deep inside your heart,
Then they can live all around you,
And put a smile on your face,
Because when your dreams come alive,
They can stand up tall beside you in the right place.

A dream cannot live or grow,
Without the rains of hard work,
That's something you should know,
So you must water your dreams every day,
If you want a special dream to find their way,
Because each dream that lives inside/in your heart,
Has to find a way to reach reality,
So you must water your dreams with effort so carefully.

So if you can find your dreams,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Because each growing dream, 
You must plant and grow, reap and sow,
And if you can find your dreams,
Deep inside your heart,
Then they can live all around you,
And put a smile on your face,
Because when your dreams come alive,
They can stand up tall beside you in the right place.

When a dream grows and stands up tall,
And your wishes come alive, (and thrive)
Then each morning and each new day,
Joy will be your wake-up call,
But no dreams can find their way,
Into your life or reality,
Unless you try to give your special dreams,
Everything that they need to live, grow and be.

So if you can find your dreams,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Because each growing dream, 
You must plant and grow, reap and sow,
And if you can find your dreams,
Deep inside your heart,
Then they can live all around you,
And put a smile on your face,
Because when your dreams come alive,
They can stand up tall beside you in the right place.

So if you want to find your dreams,
You must take a deep dive into your hopes,
Then swim with effort each day, (Then splash around in your (swim through your) wishes each day,)
With your wishes along life's waterways, (With effort along life's waterways/And swim along life's narrow waterways,)
But you should choose your dreams wisely,
Because the most special dreams in you,
That you can give the most of yourself too,
Are the most likely dreams that could come true for you. (Are the dreams that might come true for you.)

Final Extended Chorus
So if you can find your dreams,
Hold on tight and don't let go,
Because each growing dream, 
You must plant and grow, reap and sow,
And if you can find your dreams,
Deep inside your heart,
Then they can live all around you,
And put a smile on your face,
Because each special dream waits inside you,
To be a smile upon your face,
So when your wishes come alive, 
And your special dreams reach reality, 
Then in this big universe, 
You can win life's race, 
Because your heart and dreams, 
Will find your happy special place.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell  @ 2022 All Rights Reserved


Savor Every Moment (finalized)

Every moment of your life, 
Is yours to explore,
So each moment that you live, 
Is something that you can't ignore,
So before each moment becomes, 
A lived out history,
You have to make sure that you try, 
To enjoy it truly. (every single moment truly)

So you have to savor every moment, 
That life and time give to you,
And count your blessings wisely,
As each new day visits you,
You have to savor every moment, 
That knocks upon your door,
Because life is a precious gift, 
That your heart can joyfully explore.

On each side of every moment,
Live the future and the past,
So each moment can slip by,
Oh so very fast,
So you have to hold each special moment, 
In your heart and hands,
And try to savor every moment,
Because time is always in demand.

So you have to savor every moment, 
That life and time give to you,
And count your blessings wisely,
As each new day visits you,
You have to savor every moment, 
That knocks upon your door,
Because life is a precious gift, 
That your heart can joyfully explore.

Some moments can pass us by, 
Without a second glance, 
And other moments can catch our hearts, 
Or offer us a second chance, 
But before each moment slips away, 
You really should try to make sure,
That you have spent it wisely, 
Because each moment is yours to fully explore.

So you have to savor every moment, 
That life and time give to you,
And count your blessings wisely,
As each new day visits you,
You have to savor every moment, 
That knocks upon your door,
Because life is a precious gift, 
That your heart can joyfully explore.

Each second, minute, hour and day, 
That knocks upon your door,
Gives your heart a chance to smile,
As your life you explore, 
As you try to soar,
And though at times it may seem, 
Like time is always in a rush,
In time's minutes, hours and days, 
You can always place your trust.

So you have to savor every moment, 
That life and time give to you,
And count your blessings wisely,
As each new day visits you,
You have to savor every moment, 
That knocks upon your door,
Because life is a precious gift, 
That your heart can joyfully explore.

So when you embark upon each new day,
Remember that happiness loves you, 
No matter what sadness, 
Comes along your way,
Joy always wants to be your friend,
And any sad hurts joy can mend, 
So hold onto your smile with both hands,
As each day races by then comes to an end.

Final Extended Chorus
You have to savor every moment, 
That life and time give to you,
And count your blessings wisely,
As each new day visits you,
You have to savor every moment, 
That life gives to your heart,
Because there's beauty all around you,
Just waiting for your smile to start,
You have to savor every moment, 
That knocks upon your door,
Because life is a precious gift,
Just waiting for you to be a joyful part,
And the land of your life, 
Can be a such happy place for sure, 
When you savor every moment,
That your heart can joyfully explore. (That your heart joyfully explores)

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


When the Today Becomes Yesterday (finalized)

When today becomes yesterday,
Where does it go when it disappears,
And when today becomes history,
Does it vanish completely,
Or become something new for years,
Because when today becomes yesterday,
Another day of history begins,
And so I can't help but keep wondering.

When today becomes yesterday,
Where do the minutes and hours go,
And when today becomes history,
Does that day ever return,
Once the Sun dips down low,
When today becomes yesterday,
Does it change into something new,
And when today comes to an end,
Will that day ever be our friend again.

Sometimes it really seems like, 
Yesterday wants to hang around and stay,
Because some moments of history,
Live in our hearts and minds, 
That never seem to go away, 
But when a new day wakes up and greets us,
Where does each yesterday like to go,
Because I would surely, really like to know.

When today becomes yesterday,
Where do the minutes and hours go,
And when today becomes history,
Does that day ever return,
Once the Sun dips down low,
When today becomes yesterday,
Does it change into something new,
And when today comes to an end,
Will that day ever be our friend again.

So often it really feels like, 
Tomorrow takes too long to come along,
And yesterday and today never seem to get along,
Because today pushes out yesterday, 
Then tomorrow steps on today's toes,
But where that yesterday disappears to, 
Is an answer to a question, 
That nobody seems to know. 

Final Extended Chorus
When today becomes yesterday,
Where do the minutes and hours go,
And when today becomes history,
Does that day ever return,
Once the Sun dips down low,
When today becomes yesterday,
Does it change into something new,
And when today comes to an end,
Will that day ever be our friend again,
When today leaves us behind,
Will it ever return as a new day, 
Or does that yesterday feel all alone, 
And spend forever just wishing to be,
Another brand new today. (day)

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell  @ 2021 All Rights Reserved

When I Spend a Moment with You (pending final reviews)

When I spend a moment with you,
The day shines with love, 
And looks so brand new,
When I spend a moment with you,
Sadness hides from us, 
Because it has nothing to do,
When I spend a moment with you, 
Every moment is special for us to live, feel and see, 
Because we are really true friends, 
Through and through naturally.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


When Time Disappears (pending final reviews)

When time disappears,
Sometimes I wonder where it goes,
But no-one that I've asked, 
Is ever sure or really knows,
When time slips from my heart,
Sometimes I wish it would come back,
But it never returns, 
As it just speeds along its racetrack,
When time disappears, 
Sometimes I wish I could press rewind,
Because those joyful minutes that have left, 
Just don't seem to repeat at anytime.

Lyricist & Songwriter Jill Thrussell  @ 2021 All Rights Reserved


Dance & Movement Activity Songs:

Hopeful Tomohope's Hoppy Dream Planting Dig Jig (song and dance)  (pending finalization)

The first step in the dream planting jig,
Is to leap find a new hopeful dream,
In your heart and mind,
Then you have to dip plant it,
Where it can grow strong roots,
And strong shoots,
So you have to try to remember, 
Any special dreams that you find, 
And you have to give those dreams 
Some portions of hard work digs from your heart and mind.

So you can do the hopeful dream planting jig,
With me so easily,
And if you want your dreams to be strong,
I'll show you how so jiggingly, 
So lets jig along and plant some dreams,
Because for a brave dream to jump into real life,
With you happily,
It has to be born, 
Then live in your heart for long,
Where it can grow up to be strong,
But if you jig along to my happy song,
Then you can plant and sow, reap and grow,
Some of the dreams inside your heart,
With me so jiggingly,
Because my hopeful dream planting jig,
Is a great way to make a jiggingly good start.

The second step in the dream planting jig,
Is to nourish sweep feed your special dreams, 
That you wish to see in reality,
So you must give those dreams, 
Lots of effort bob up and down fertilizer,
So that each one will be healthy,
Because a dream without any effort,
Can be easily lost or broken,
And so you must put some effort in,
If don't want a dream to be rotten or forgotten.

So you can do the hopeful dream planting jig,
With me so easily,
And if you want your dreams to be strong,
I'll show you how so jiggingly, 
So lets jig along and plant some dreams,
Because for a brave dream to jump into real life,
With you happily,
It has to be born, 
Then live in your heart for long,
Where it can grow up to be strong,
But if you jig along to my happy song,
Then you can plant and sow, reap and grow,
Some of the dreams inside your heart,
With me so jiggingly,
Because my hopeful dream planting jig,
Is a great way to make a jiggingly good start.

The third step in the dream planting jig,
Is when your dream shoots up to the skies,
Then you must dip and sweep harvest that dream,
Then home build bop up and down, 
To give each dream a happy home, 
In your life, mind and heart, 
But every day you must try, 
To feed arm give those dreams wisely,
So that they can supply,
Your heart with happiness and joy naturally.

So you can do the hopeful dream planting jig,
With me so easily,
And if you want your dreams to be strong,
I'll show you how so jiggingly, 
So lets jig along and plant some dreams,
Because for a brave dream to jump into real life,
With you happily,
It has to be born, 
Then live in your heart for long,
Where it can grow up to be strong,
But if you jig along to my happy song,
Then you can plant and sow, reap and grow,
Some of the dreams inside your heart,
With me so jiggingly,
Because my hopeful dream planting jig,
Is a great way to make a jiggingly good start.

Final Extended Dance Step Verse:
So leap find, hard work dig, 
Then do the planting dip,
To all the special dreams,
That you can find inside your heart,
Then you must nourish sweep,
And some more hard work will come in handy,
Because effort is always necessary part,
So you must effort bop up and down,
And nourish sweep spray around,
Until that special dream has grown,
Then you must harvest dip and sweep,
And try to give that dream a happy home, 
So you must home build bob up and down, 
To build that special dream a home,
In your mind, life and heart,
Then you must arm feed give too those dreams,
So that one of those special dreams, 
Will come alive and make a start, 
Then one day one of those special dreams, 
Will stand up tall in reality beside you, 
To make your life a happy place,
And your heart a jiggingly happy heart.

Hopeful Tomohope's Dream Planting Jig Steps: 

Verse 1: 
Leap finds 
Planting dips
Hard work digs

Verse 2:
Nourish feed sweeps
Effort bob up and down

Verse 3: 
Harvest dip and sweep
Home build bob up and down
Feed arm give

Final Extended Dance Step Verse:
Leap finds 
Planting dips
Hard work digs
Effort bob up and down
Nourish feed sweeps
Harvest dip and sweep
Home build bob up and down
Arm feed give

Lyricist & Songwriter: Jill Thrussell @ 2022 All Rights Reserved